But! I remembered that he takes his lunch every day to work and usually just throws a sandwich or leftovers into a plastic grocery bag. Surely, I can make something better than a plastic sack. I scoured the Internet (where I get so much of my inspiration) and found a lunch bag tutorial that was based on a grocery bag. My lucky day!
K's got a birthday coming up soon, too, so I figured I might as well dive in and see if I could make this. The exterior is a sandy tan and the interior is blue coral on a white background. It's not the most masculine bag, but it doesn't scream girly either. I figure it can tide** K over until I can make his birthday bag, at which time I'll reclaim the Sand and Sea lunch bag for myself. [edited to add: apparently the blue coral does scream girly. I guess I'll head to the fabric store.]
There's plenty of room in this bag for lunch, and it's sturdy enough to use for hauling groceries or vegetables from the market. Plus, I do think the style makes it a unisex bag. Guys carry grocery bags all the time, so they should be comfortable carrying this one around, especially if you get a solid or manly-patterned fabric.
* * * * *
*Oh, how I love Christmas! It's definitely my favorite holiday because of all the time spent with family and all of the baking. I always make cookies with my mom and sister, and last year K and I made candy with my grandma. It's the most wonderful time of the year, and I'm glad that since I'm making my presents this year I get to start daydreaming about Christmas in August. And by the way, I've already got my Christmas wishlist made out. Hint: It's mostly craft supplies.
**The Sand and Sea bag will tide him over. Get it? That's a joke for my dad.
I have wanted to try to making those bags. They look pretty simple and would make a great gift. We made all our gifts last year. Sewmamasew has a great list of things to make and the tutorials that go with them. (Maybe you knew that) Anyway I love the bag thanks for the inspiration.