
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

yarn along: braided cables

I've been knitting like a madwoman this week--finishing up Amy's present, swatching for the Baby Surprise Jacket, working on a hat for a friend, getting in a few rounds on a pair of socks for myself, and making the first of a pair of braided cable mittens to complete my snow day set. Whew! You'd think it were Christmas again with this amount of yarn and needles flying. I'm racing to finish these woolens before the end of winter.

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Recently I've found myself taking a hot bath about once a week. There's no set schedule. It's just that at least once a week I get to feeling worn out or stressed and nothing will cure me but a bath. So I fill the tub, light a few candles, and soak. A good book is vital to the bath-taking experience. We Took to the Woods has been my companion of late. It makes my life seem easier when I read about spending nights out in the freezing Maine winter trying to pack down the snow for driving and working for whole days out in the garden trying to move a single boulder. It's a book about daily life, full of practical advice and funny anecdotes. I've also been reading bits of Fifty Days of Solitude before bed. It calms my mind before I sleep. Both of these books were recommended by Liesl. The girl has good taste in books.

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Are you yarning along today? 

I'd love to hear what you've been making and reading lately.


  1. I agree with you so much about the bath! What a wonderful way to spend an hour.
    Your reading material sounds like something I would enjoy reading and I must order both books.
    Have fun knitting. The mittens for your snow day set are looking great.

  2. Excellent book recommendations, I've added them to my list. Good luck with all your knitting, the cables in the picture are wonderful!

  3. I got We Took to the Woods from the library and have been reading it too, thanks to you!

  4. Oh my, you ARE a busy knitter! I like that about knitters, the passion to pursue the patterns that are calling them...all at once. You cable mitts are looking beautiful.

  5. Thanks for the mitten pattern. I've had my eye on another cabled mitten pattern (Bella's mitts I think they're called) but this one looks good too. I'm still working on my baby blankets for a friend's preemie twins. Hope to have them done soon.

  6. Hi Allison! Your braided cable mittens look gorgeous...I wish I knew how to knit too. :) I was a crochet-mad-woman over the past months, making hats and toys for my loved ones. Last night I made a cute necklace, but tonight I plan to start on cloth covers for an open bookcase,the printer and our sewing machine...I should be at it for the new few days. :) Love your blog!

  7. We took to the woods sounds like a great book!

  8. Those books sound great.

    Great start on the mittens. I love cables!

  9. That book sounds wonderful! I'll have to check it out.

  10. They're coming along beautifully...I would like to see your socks, too. We've been doing spool knitting and learned how to make an i-cord this week. C'mon over to my blog!
    That looks like a good book. Solitude is something wonderful. Sometimes I forget about quiet...and think there always has to be noise, turn on some music when it's silent...
    And wishing for snow, still.

  11. It does seem like the flurry of knitting has not stopped for me either. A warm bath and book are such a nice treat!

  12. I really enjoyed We Took to the Woods. Your knitting is just beautiful.

  13. Good for you, for making sure to take care of yourself. A nicely drawn bath and book have a way of replenishing, don't they?
    Thank you for the book recommendations, I haven't been reading nearly as much as I would like.
    Those braided cables are looking lovely!

  14. I have been hoping for a good hot soak soon, and I agree with the book part of a good bath.

  15. I love the cables on those mittens! I clicked through to see the rest of your set & it's just lovely. The first photo, with your hat & cowl hanging with your coat, feels very 'Love Story' to me. Not sure why, but it totally looks like something Ali McGraw would have worn in that movie! xo

  16. A lovely post! I am not joining in the Knit Along today for I have just completed a Tiny Tea Leaves for my almost two year old and am not consequently in the middle of anything else. This will change shortly! Your words have made me feel all warm and wintery all at the same time. Spring is almost coming too soon for my taste this year.


  17. Yes, I'm yarning today! Both of your books sound intriguing as do your knitting projects! I love good soaks in the tub as well and confess to taking more than one a week. Candles, that's something I never thought about adding...........hmmmm

  18. I like to read in bed and I love books that quiet the day. Your knitting is lovely and I hope you get your projects done!!

  19. Took to the woods sounds like an interesting book. I love knitting cable. I like the idea of cabling mitts. Hmm. Another one for the list.

  20. She does have good book recommendations. Thanks for sharing. I do the same thing with the baths. And I can't get myself to stay long enough without a book in hand. My other new fix for aches and pains is OmegaKrill. I was skeptical that it would help but it made my ribs stop aching the first night I took it and they have been hurting for months.

  21. I'm almost due to pick up that book at the library, it seems like an appropriate choice for this winter weather somehow.


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