
Monday, November 15, 2010

weekend snippets: the last good weekend

Well, I think this might have been the last good weekend until the end of the semester. I'll have to savor these moments until then.

Red wine and couch sitting. Two of my favorite things. 
In addition to my pizza-eating challenge, I think I might challenge myself to try all of the Charles Smith Wines. I love a good excuse to indulge challenge.

I found this dinosaur on the table at work. My co-workers are fun people. They make the occasional Saturday at the office less of a drag.

K and I got all glammed up (ok, I got all glammed up, K looked suave) to go to the Moscow State Symphony. I finally wore my crocheted cardigan out in public! At first I was worried that maybe I just go to symphonies for the glitzy bags I get to carry...

But no. The Russians know how to bring it! The music was so intense and energetic. I had no problem keeping my mind on the music this time. Plus, the conductor was such a funny character. He had the musicians play three encores and then tiptoed off stage during the last one.

I spent a Sunday study break playing Forbidden Island with K, Mom, and Julie. What I like best is that it's a cooperative game, so everyone is on the same team. We're not a very competitive family.

* * * * * 

What moment are you savoring from the weekend? I hope you had a good one and that it won't be the last good one for you!


  1. My son would get a kick out of that Russian conductor. He sounds like a real entertainer. Sorry your weekends of fun are winding down. Such is the reality of a student. Keep thinking about winter break. My weekend was spent with my crochet hook in hand. Yippee.

  2. I love cooperative games, and Forbidden Island looks amazing! I hope your next few weekends, if busy with classwork, are still enjoyable in their own way. It's nice to be working toward something important, even if it's also stressful.

    I'd say the moment I'm most savoring from my weekend was creating my holiday cards. I'm not as crafty as I sometimes wish I was, and it's nice to have something turn out exactly as I envisioned it:

  3. You have some great weekends. Glad you could enjoy this one before the hard work and holiday busyness sets in. I love that cardigan. Really beautiful!

  4. Excellent weekend! Cheers to you!

    I savored doing nothing. The Mr. was gone so The Offspring and I sat around watching movies and eating Thai food.

    Loved every second.

  5. This weekend my Mom threw a Stampin' Up party. I made a couple holiday cards, ate some tasty snacks and got to see some family.

    Then we had a family dinner of take-out pizza and sipped on raspberry lambic from a local brewery. :)

  6. My weekend was awesome! My drill sgt husband, accually had the whole weekend off! We put up the Christmas tree, and danced to Christmas music!! I got the blue hat you mailed me on monday.... if you find me on facebook, you can see a picture of me wearing it! Thank you!!! I LOOOOVE it!!! :0)

  7. Lots of lounging about and hanging out with friends last weekend....

    I hope the rest of the semester is kind on you, Allison!

    sending warm hugs your way,


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