
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sittin' Pretty on a Snowy Day

I finally made my Christmas wishlist

It calls to mind a snowy day spent snug and warm at home. I'd wear hand-knitted socks, light candles, sip tea, and read a bit. The balsam pillow would be the perfect place to rest my head for a morning snooze. Midday I'd venture out into the crisp cold world, wearing my crimson skirt with thick tights, that gorgeous rosette headband, and carrying a ruched bag. Perhaps I'd head to the grocery to stock up on cocoa and red wine. Home again, I'd bake spice muffins and do a little sewing while watching old movies. 

I'm dreaming of this wonderful day...

What day are you dreaming of?

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Find the sources of the photos in this collection by clicking on the image above or the wishlist link.


  1. Those socks look like so much fun! And red polka-dotted muffin liners -- I can imagine some festive goodness in those too. I've been dreaming of yarn lately....No surprise, but I have so many ideas for projects that require lots of yarn.

  2. Oh, this is so lovely! Now I'm dreaming of hand knit socks!


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