
Monday, April 6, 2015


I recently spent many nights of monogamous knitting to make myself a Uniform cardigan. I actually love knitting miles of stockinette and garter stitch. It's like eating macaroni and cheese or curling up with a favorite book: so comforting.

As soon as this sweater was off my needles it did indeed become my uniform. It's serving as an ersatz jacket during these early spring days, which just means I'm wearing it unapologetically every single day. It's my go-to sweater for gardening, neighborhood walks, farmers' market trips, and everything else (except clearing brush--that was a mistake that left me picking brambles out of my stitches!).

My favorite parts of the sweater are the pockets (handy for keys, lip balm, and chilly hands) and the long garter stitch cuffs. I chose dark wooden buttons to complement the earthiness of the sweater.

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What's your uniform these days? Or do you mix it up? I'm happy to wear a black t-shirt, cardigan, and jeans every day, at least until it warms up a bit more. I'm such a creature of habit.

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P.S. Thanks to my mom for the daffodil for these photos. Ours are in bloom too!


  1. I love it! Good button choice! It looks so comfy!

  2. that cardigan looks so classic, no wonder you want to wear it all the time! I love the colour, too.

  3. It's so good to see your smiling face! :) Your cardigan looks absolutely cozy, indeed! I can't wait to finish off my Rocky Coast Cardigan so I can live in it as well! Though it's looking like it'll have to lived in next Fall... :( lol. My uniform is a plain t-shirt (target's $6 T's lol) + jeans + bare feet around the house (my mother hates this in the winter, hehe). Sometimes a light-weight cardigan.
    Your daffodil is so cheery!

  4. I love a cozy cardigan. Yay on this terrific finish. We can tell you love it so.

  5. such a nice feeling to knit something that gets instantly used and loved!

  6. Great sweater! it looks really comfy! My uniform is sweats and a t-shirt, pretty much my all year uniform :)

  7. That looks great!! I'm currently sporting a uniform of skinny jeans, a tank top, cardigan and dolly shoes... Easy and comfortable to wear, and I add a gillet if I need the extra warmth. Hooray for spring and lighter clothes!!


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