
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

sunshine and clouds

In between rain showers, my boy and I spend hours outside. He rolls in the grass and makes flower soup in his bucket, adding wild violets and dandelions that stain his hands. He throws in rocks for good measure and stirs the pot with sticks he finds littering our yard. I seem to always be digging in the dirt or clearing more space to plant. The garden is going to be a magical place this year.

Those outside hours have seeped into my knitting basket. The other day when I pulled out my works in progress I saw sunshine in the Carrie's Yellow Chickadee yarn from Quince and Co. and clouds in the undyed yarns from Kentucky's own Littledove Farm and Ballyhoo Farm. An unconscious homage to spring, if you will.

The little hats were inspired by this one, which looks like a Barley hat with a pompom to me. I love the simplicity of it, the squishiness of the garter stitch, and the whimsy of the pompom. These two just need pompoms attached!

I've also been working on a yellow Livingston sweater for my boy to wear next fall. I've just gotten to the body section and love seeing each little bird appear as I knit.

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This year I told myself that I'd read more fiction. Somehow in the past few years I've strayed from my novel-reading roots and ventured into a solid habit of nonfiction reading. There's nothing wrong with that, but I'd like a little more balance in my reading. The Namesake has been on my to-read list for years, and it hasn't disappointed. Lahiri explores the lives of two generations of an Indian family living in the U.S. and finding different ways to define themselves. I'd recommend it!

Also, I just listened to "The Living Room" from the Love + Radio podcast (via Radiolab). Have you heard it yet? Oh my, it's good. Get listening!

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Linking up with the Yarn Along today. 

What are you making, reading, or listening to this week?


  1. Uhh that's such a lovely yellow. :) Happy spring!

  2. Such beautiful knits! I love the simple hats and the yellow colour! The scene of you and your boy in the garden is a very happy and peaceful one :-)

  3. Your photos are always so pretty Allison. Thank you for the book recommendation, it's now on my list.

  4. I just found out today I have another quick baby gift to....well, gift...and this hat will be perfect! :) Love the yellow you're working on....and the book is now on my 'list'. I've managed to be quite 'enabled' with my stop here today!! Thank you.

  5. I am with you about fiction books, somehow they fell out of my crazy schedule! Your mustard yarn is so beautiful!

  6. I am in such a yellow sort of mood lately. It's all the sunshine and spring. Enjoy the outdoors!

  7. I love the image of your toddler son rolling about in glee in the grass. Too cute. I haven't read nonfiction for quite some time. The topic has to really interest me.
    Making: Finished a basic, black beanie as I've been busy hanging out with Excel.
    Reading: Trying a new author, Susanna Kearsley, her book, The Shadowy Horses. She mixes mythology into her storylines. I like it!
    Listening: KNBR of my beloved SF Giants. Otherwise throwback hip hop on Q102 in the car.

  8. Those hats look adorable. I will be checking out that podcast, thanks!

  9. Do you have a pattern for that hat? I couldn't find one in the link you provided. I love it!

    1. I used the Barley pattern ( and added a pompom. Happy making!

  10. So pretty - yellow is lovely at this time of year!
    I am trying to read more this year as well, both fiction and non-fiction, just enjoying reading for fun.

  11. I love the mixture of the garter + stockinette stitch in those hats. So dreamy + endless (circular knitting) - I just want to cast on a bunch of knit hats now. :)


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