
Friday, January 17, 2014

snoflinga + links

Hello. It's Friday morning, which always feels good. The weekend is within reach, right? The baby is asleep, and here I am at the computer. I keep glancing out the window next to me to watch the snow fall--just flurries, which I can barely make out against the pale gray sky. I have to look hard at the trunks of the tall oak trees down the street to see the tiny snowflakes. We've got a scant inch of snow on the ground, but even that little bit brightens the whole house. I'm drinking blueberry tea and breathing deeply. I've been slathering on coconut oil and a few drops of peppermint essential oil every morning to wake myself up. The scent invigorates me all day. It's been a week of good days.

I've got my crafty nose to the grindstone this week, working hard on a top-secret present for my mom's birthday next Tuesday. Ah, deadlines. I wouldn't have it any other way though. I work best under deadlines. The structure helps me prioritize and get things done. And so I can't really talk about what I've been making this week, but I can show you a finished object.

I've been wearing my Snoflinga hat every day since I made it. I love everything about it: the yarn (Brooklyn Tweed Shelter, so woolly, but soft after a good soak), the color (Camper, which may be my perfect shade of pink. It has great depth of color and is feminine without being too girly.), the bobbles, the slouchiness, and that little loop at the top, which I forgot to make and had to go back and add. I've never had a slouchy hat before and wore this hat around the house for two days before I had the nerve to wear it out in public. So silly!

The Snoflinga was a joy to knit. First off, I was glad that the yarn was rustic because softer yarns have a tendency to catch on my rough winter hands. Shelter felt good in my hands! And the pattern was easy to follow and kept my interest with those garter rows and bobbles. The beauty of the design is its simplicity and restraint. I loved knitting it so much that I want to cast on another one, even though I rarely knit the same pattern twice.

Well, I better get back to that grindstone. I'll leave you with some of my favorite things from the Internet this week.

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I had a chocolate emergency yesterday. Luckily this brownie in a mug came to the rescue. (And thank goodness I have a weekend of birthday cake and Nord's doughnuts coming up.)

I wish this color-saturated quilt were on my bed right now.

At the risk of sounding like a fangirl, I'm pretty enchanted with Carrie's Dessau Cowl.

I loved reading Molly's take on feeding her kid.

Are you joining in Vibeke's color swap? I think it will be so much fun!

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Have a good weekend, friends! I'm going on a yarn adventure, so I'm excited about mine!


  1. Oh it's a very nice hat!! It really is, I love the pattern, the colour and it looks very nice on you.

    Have a nice weekend!!

    Lluisa x

  2. your hat looks so great on you! Love it!

    Love the links too, I just signed up for the color swap :)

  3. It really is a beautiful hat---the color suits you, too.
    And that's right! You're a January baby. Happy Birthday. :)

    I'm hoping to join in the color swap, too. Sounds like a lot of fun!

  4. Fantastic beanie. Terrific color. It looks great on you.

  5. i've seen it on your Ravelry, and it's gorgeous. i hear you on interesting knitting - right now i'm knitting rows and rows in stockinette (I too have a deadline, but thankfully my sister's bday is a month away!), and it isn't very exciting.

  6. hi Allison

    how lovely that you are joining the colors swap at my blog. i have sent you an e-mail, could you answer it when you find the time so i can put you in pair with another swapper?: )


  7. and of course:
    thank you for telling about, and linking, to the swap!: )


Comments welcomed!