
Saturday, January 11, 2014

lately + links

fuzzy ears

winter sunshine (any sunshine at all)

this little library

our shadows

new yarn

Some recent link love:
  • Carrie Bostick Hoge nailed it with Uniform. I want to cast one on so soon!
  • Casey is making a mood blanket to document this year. It looks amazing already!
  • Did you know years used to have more days? This is a fascinating listen.

* * *

P.S. Check out Liesl's blog for a little interview with me as part of her 3 Questions series.


  1. I haven't tried Brooklyn Tweed yarn yet. Is Shelter soft? I especially like that first skein. Remind me of Valentine's Day.
    I like the two patterns you linked. Had to Pin the first. I want to accomplish a handknit cardigan. I like the thoughts of that blogger. I feel sometimes ppl get caught up in design and perfected styling. I like to keep it real.

  2. Great post, lots of interesting links. I agree with Kate too about blogging and not. Lovely interview you did. Enjoy the new yarn.

  3. Adorable pic of little J, great links, and nice interview by Liesl !

  4. These photos and links are so great. Uniform looks like great---I'd love to try one of those customizable patterns, that guide you through making your version of a perfect sweater.

    1. I'd like to say that was full of typos but frankly I feel like I talk like that a lot lately. Anyway, I changed my wording halfway through that comment and thought I deleted and edited it correctly. But no.
      I think you know what I'm saying though. ;)


Comments welcomed!