
Sunday, November 10, 2013

there for the taking

I'm finding little things to appreciate lately, bits of joy there for the taking if only I choose to notice: treetops lighting up the sky, sunflower seeds to plant next year, warm challah with salt and butter, and a soft alpaca hat on the needles. 

Here's hoping you're finding your own bits of joy. I'd love to hear about what's making your moments brighter these days.


  1. Ooh! I like how that alpaca is swirling up. Can you share the recipe for the challah? That looks so good.

  2. lovely. did you make that gorgeous bread?

  3. Nice photos, that hat I am sure it will be a nice one, the yarn seems to be so nice.

    Have a great week!!

    Lluisa x

  4. So golden and life affirming...thank you


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