
Sunday, November 17, 2013


A few of you asked about the challah in the last post. This bread is my favorite because it's rich with eggs, honey, and butter. Plus, the recipe is simple to make at home. You just fling all the ingredients together in a bowl, let the dough rise, and then put it in the fridge to bake at your convenience.

When I make a batch of this dough, I usually bake two larger loaves throughout the week and then use the final third of the dough to make cinnamon rolls (I use the filling and icing from this recipe). Yeah, challah-baking weeks are pretty happy weeks around here. It's just the thing to keep us warm and fed on gray November days.

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Also in our kitchen:

We've been loving these pumpkin doughnut muffins (thanks to Liesl!).

I could eat vegetable enchiladas every day.

Homemade pizza has been in heavy rotation. We like Mark Bittman's crust and this tomato sauce.

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What's going on in your kitchen these days?


  1. Ooh! All these recipes look good. I love challah too. It's great for French Toast. I like eating vegetarian sometimes, especially for lunch.

  2. I love it when you post recipes! I must make some Challah this weekend.

  3. I made Challah bread for the first time a few weeks ago and loved it. Yours looks wonderful!

  4. Oh, everything sound delicious. I just realized I haven't eaten breakfast yet so that challah bread is killing me right now!
    Glad you liked the pumpkin donut muffins.
    There is a recipe for pizza crust that has been sitting on the table for a few days now so I'm hoping that's a sign of things to come around here. :)
    We've mostly been eating a lot of cabbage soup. Soup season is the best!


Comments welcomed!