
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

early spring hike


K and I recently took a weekend getaway. We holed up in a cabin in central Kentucky, read, knitted, played games, and watched college basketball. We planned to have some lazy, do-nothing days, but the weather was so warm that we couldn't help going for a short hike. We hiked to the top of Natural Bridge, which isn't too strenuous, but is rather steep. The views from the top make it worth it, though. We also saw plenty of early spring wildflowers. 

Virginia bluebells

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The time away from everyday life felt wonderful.  

Where do you go for a weekend getaway?


  1. Your photos took me away!! Gorgeous hike you two had. Fortunately, I live near the Hudson River in NY and have several great short hikes nearby -- not exactly a weekend getaway but a getaway nonetheless.

  2. I have a love/hate relationship with your getaways. I love the image you show. I hate that I am green with envy and want to be there. :)

  3. Such beautiful photos! I love Virginia bluebells, and they're actually blooming here in Chicago already, along with bleeding heart. More than a month ahead of schedule...

    I like to head up to Madison, WI and the rolling hills of the Driftless Region and the craggy rocks of Devil's Lake State Park for a weekend getaway from the busy-ness of Chicago.

  4. gorgeous!! we go to flagstaff, or sedona arizona, or if we feel up to a 4 hour drive, we hit up coronado island, california.

  5. that's one of our favorite places to go...just a 3 hour drive from here ♥ it's been about a year since we've been there, so we need to go soon!!!


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