
Sunday, April 15, 2012

canary cardigan

In February a few of us started a knit along at my office. We decided to knit Elizabeth Zimmerman's Baby Surprise Jacket. We figured that since it's all garter stitch, it would be easy enough for beginners. We thought that knitters who had never made a sweater would find the size manageable, and the unique construction would keep us all interested. The fact that none of us had babies seemed to matter at the time. We were all excited to jump in for our first knit along. Two and a half months later, our 10-member group is down to five and we've completed only two sweaters. Ah well, we may lack motivation, but we're certainly having a good time. We meet once a week at lunch time to knit (or crochet--we're a welcoming group), talk yarn, and just hang out.

Even though this cardigan felt like it took forever to knit, I'm happy with the results. The deep yellow hue is sure to brighten up some future winter day. I couldn't find my stash of yellow buttons (they must still be hidden in a box from our move), so I chose gray buttons instead. Yellow and gray never gets old.

My (still nameless) bunny looks a little bare, doesn't he? I think he's wishing for a canary cardigan of his own. :) 


  1. The sweater is adorable...and looks mighty cute with bunny.

  2. The sunshine cardigan is extra cute. Love the color!

  3. I love your office KAL story ... somehow I can see it as a great short story: one by one, they faded away! Your baby surprise is beautiful. I've admired this pattern for a long time.

  4. Oh this is simply beautiful! Your E Z baby jacket cries out 'Forsythia'! I love yellow and seriously admire you for making that pattern as it is not as straightforward as one could imagine.

    Bravo to a bunny making lady from another rabbit fan.


  5. I love the idea of an office Knit Along. The yellow, and grey, do look beautiful and I agree it is a timeless colour combination. Hope you are going to knit something for the bunny.

  6. Very cute sweater. I've been itching to try the baby surprise jacket for the fun of the construction. Now you have a sweater for your present stash!

  7. How cute! I agree, I LOVE the beautiful, bright yellow. Maybe a mini-version for your bunny? He is so cute, by the way :] Now I have to go pin this pattern for future use...

  8. Such a cute sweater! This one is going into my queue :) I think that's a great idea to knit a baby sweater/cardigan before starting an adult sized one! I want to knit a sweater (my first) this summer, but maybe I will start with a baby one.

  9. Hoe adorable is that little sunshine sweater? Makes you want to have kids! I like the bunny bare, but then again a cute little yellow cardi might looks adorable on him as well.

  10. The sweater is adorable. I've seen it done by quite a few on the web but it's usually striped. I like that you did a solid color. And yellow to boot. Who doesn't love yellow?


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