
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

yarn along: yellow stripe

Yarning along with Ginny today

It has been so long since I've gotten to participate in yarn along day. My knitting and my book never got together this week for a photo op, but rest assured they're both in my life.

This yellow-striped hat I'm making for K has kept my hands busy during my bus rides this past week. With school starting back, my morning bus is now packed with students. I squeeze in beside high school students, med students, and plenty of other working people. I previously reserved my knitting for times when the bus was sparsely populated, but lately I've been using it to carve out space for myself. People tend to leave extra room when there are needles flying about.

I went a little overboard on the stockinette section of this hat and ended up with an extra inch. No problem, I thought. K has kind of a big head, so I figured it would fit fine. I kept on knitting. But then last night I actually finished the hat and had K try it on. It was definitely too big! So I ripped back and am trying again. At least it's quick knitting!

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Lately I've been reading Water for Elephants, but I'm having a hard time feeling involved in the story. Reading about old-timey circuses is interesting (the trains! the sequins! the animals!), but I just don't care about the characters. At all. I'm 200 pages in, so I'll probably stick with it till the end. I'm already looking forward to a new read, though. The Hunger Games is definitely tempting me.

What yarns are in your life this week? I'd love to hear if you're reading something compelling. What do you do if a book loses its appeal halfway through--plow through or kick it off the night stand?

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There's still time to enter my yarn giveaway!


  1. I've always been a "you started it, you have to finish it" guy when it came to books. The first time I ever just stopped reading a book I was in my 40s, and it was a short story collection. It was liberating. Next I dropped a novel at about 100-125 pages. Hoorah, I learned that I could forget half a bad book as easily as all of it! When the future doesn't stretch as far ahead of you as it once did, you learn to waste less of it.

  2. I like that idea of carving out space on the bus. I read Water For Elephants a while ago with my book club. I hope as the plot develops more it draws you in. Found you from the yarn along. Have a great day.

  3. I started reading that one too and gave up (might pick it up again to give it another chance). My mom (an avid reader and the person who recommended it) loved it. I think it depends upon time, your schedule and being focused. Love that yellow stripe, such a very decisive yellow stripe running through the gray.

  4. The knitting is beautiful! I read that book and it did pick up. It was not one of my favorites though. Good luck :)

  5. I've been wanting to read The Hunger Games--my nieces recommended it to me! I'm kinda glad I didn't invest in the one about the circus--I had thought about it. Let me know how HG goes!

  6. Well, hello friend!!!

    I'm doing my best to make the rounds. Life gets quite hectic when school first starts. But I've enjoyed catching up with your latest posts.

    *Read The Hunger Games. I finished all three in less than 24 hours each. I liked Water For Elephants...but the book I'd read before it was pretty dull so it might have seemed better than it was.

    *My dream home is on the lake in my hometown. I don't even have to think about it.

    *Glad you are safe and sound. We need rain so bad. The fires in TX are just heartbreaking.

  7. Loving your yarn colors and your neat and tidy knitting! Your stitches are so even! Hope you find some knitting time on the bus if it clears out a bit. Sounds like a perfect time to knit :)

  8. I love the yellow stripe!

    I've been hearing such great things about The Hunger Games, I want to read it but I'm worried it will be one of those books that doesn't live up to its hype. Right now I'm reading The Memory Keeper's Daughter, it's so good!

  9. I have to stop if i hate a book, it used to feel strange to do so but now it's easy

  10. i did love that book, esp the ending. you seem to have given it enough time, so perhaps it's a good idea to pass it on. and start the one your thinking of! life is too short :)
    and your hat is just perfect with that yellow stripe!

  11. I think I've gotten to the point where life is too short to be reading a book that I don't enjoy. I think I would have moved on. I'll have to remember your technique for carving out space on public transportation! Good for you.

  12. Water For Elephants was just okay in my opinion... It is worth finishing tho. I just stopped Tokyo Vice half way thru because it totally started to bore me. I still have it on my bedside table because it bugs me not to finish a book, but that being said, I have no desire to start it again. So....... I started Balzac and The Little Chinese Seamstress and it is WONDERFUL!

  13. Hello Allison!
    The knitting looks lovely!
    It used to bother me when I didn't finish a book--especially the ones everyone rants and raves about. I would keep them around for a while and feel silly that I didn't get what the hype was about. But, anymore, my To-Read list is too big for me to waste time on books I don't enjoy.

  14. I started The Hunger Games last week and devoured the first two books in two days. Hard to put down! But beware, it gave me disturbing dreams!


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