
Monday, September 5, 2011

400 posts yarn giveaway!

Hello, hello! I recently realized that my last post was number 400. That's certainly something to celebrate! It's been a long time since I held a giveaway, so when I was at the yarn store today I picked up a few skeins to give to some lucky readers. 

I'm giving away 2 skeins of Ella Rae wool in yellow and cream, 3 skeins of Mission Falls cotton from my favorite yarn shop (now closed), and 1 skein of Noro Kureyon in blue and green hues. I want to share the yarn, so I'll be choosing three winners--one for the Ella Rae, one for Mission Falls, and one for Noro.

The nitty gritty of how to win:

1. Leave a comment on this post telling me something about yourself. Anything will do--I'm a fan of random facts. I'd love to know more about my readers. Make sure I have a way to contact you!

2. For a bonus entry, become a follower of Field Wonderful. Leave a comment letting me know you're a follower.

3. For another bonus entry, post about this giveaway on your blog and leave another comment here with the link to your blog post.

Entries from all over the world are welcome. I'm willing to ship this yarn anywhere mail will go. 

This giveaway will close on Monday, September 12, 2011 at 8 PM EST. I'll put the names in a lovely vintage tin and draw for the Ella Rae and Mission Falls. The Noro is my favorite, so I'll choose my five favorite comments and hold a special drawing for it. 

The giveaway is closed. I'll announce the winners in a new post soon.

* * * * *

Good luck to you and thank you so much for reading Field Wonderful!


  1. ooooh! I love every single skein, the cotton looks especially scrumptious!

    something about me: I fall in love with random words and then use them to death! Scrumptious is the word today, I've used it about 20 times already, it's such a good word :)

    thanks for this chance to win!

  2. Followed the link from "Men Crochet 2" Great Giveaway. But a quick look means I would like to read more and will follow.
    Random fact - 10th generation Australian, even if I looked more Italian when I was younger!

  3. Hi what a lovely giveway count me in been a follower for a while now and love your blog a little fact about me is that I do more volunteer work the paid work. here is the link to my blog

  4. I am posting my 368th blog post today! So, I'm near 400, too. I'm sure the weather there is similar to this odd weather we've had here...extremely hot days, then very cool days...right now, I'm wearing the orange alpaca socks (my first ever socks I knit) to keep warm!

  5. I'm sharing about your giveaway on my blog!!! I would LOVE the Noro yarn. I have never tried it, but have seen some beautiful scarves and such made with it... I also love the yellow and white wool!

  6. Hello..just became a to crochet with thread..Do not enter me in your drawing..just letting you know I have read your blog and like it..drop by mine if you would like

  7. I started to knit and crochet by the end of 2009. And have not stopped since.

  8. I have put your giveaway button in my blog!!

  9. Random Fact is I got braces on at the age of 40 and it was the best thing I have ever done for myself!

  10. I'm a new follower!

  11. I normally say that my random fact is that I'm a knitter but since you already know that I guess it won't work here. I guess I could share that I talk for my dogs, as though they were the ones actually talking. They each have distinct voices to match their personalities and since Timber was originally from Minnesota he had an accent for a while when we first got him.

  12. And of course, I'm a long time follower :)

  13. Hi, how generous of you to do this giveaway! Random fact: I had worked in 25 different workplaces by the time I was 25 years old. And ... I am maybe not very computer savvy because I can't figure out how to "follow" you! Is there a link somewhere? Sorry, I'm silly ...

  14. Oooo, please enter me into the giveaway. Random fact... I have a congenital hearing defect that wasn't diagnosed until I was 38!

  15. I've been a follower of your blog for a while now

  16. and I've posted about your giveaway on my blog here...

  17. Wow what a fab giveaway! I have been drooling after some Noro in oh such a long time now! Facts about me?? I am an avid, long time stitcher who started to knit and then crochet a couple of years ago. I taught myself from Youtube vid from Mikeysmail - fab guy and have never looked back since. Just wish there were more hours in the days so I could get more done. I would love to enter. One can never have too much yarn. x

  18. Hi Allison! Random fact: I taught myself crochet from an old Interweave Crochet Accessories magazine, a couple months back...and I haven't stopped! In fact, I'm now wearing the beanie I made(5mins ago) as I type this, lol!I love that you're willing to ship your give-away internationally...I always drool about the yarns you lucky gals have. Not much choice here in our neck of the woods :( Thank you sooo much for the chance!

  19. I've been a follower since I saw your bobble headband...which I've enjoyed making btw. :)

  20. Giveaways are really lovely, but the real reason I like them, is finding new blogs and people. For this reason, I have found your blog, and I am now a follower. I will also post on my blog to help you find even more friends. Thanks for your generosity. I eat waaaayyy to much cheese.

  21. My name is Sam. I followed a link from Rainbow Bunting. A random fact about myself is that I love breakfast food. I could eat it at any time during the day. Cereal, cream of wheat, french toast, pancakes, bagels, you name it and I love it. The only stuff that I'm not crazy about is probably egg dishes.

  22. I'm from the UK and I live about 20 miles from Prince Charles!

  23. When I was teenager, I knitted a lot, then I stopped for a long time, and today I brought new knit needles!!!!!

  24. Random Fact: Collectively my little toes have been run over by three cars and a piano. Plus countless times that Mom's run over them with her Rascal.

  25. congrats! what a milestone! random fact about myself..umm..hmm..the intials of my first middle and last name are in alphabetical that weird?..i dunno i think it is :) for the giveaway!

  26. im following your blog :)

  27. What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

    Random fact about me. I've been searching for months and months to figure out a crochet stitch that my husband's great-grandmother had used for MANY afghans she created. I have finally figured it out, and I am almost finished making a baby blanket for my sister-in-law and niece-to-be using that stitch. It will be a tribute to her from her great-great-grandmother's incredible crocheting legacy. I hope they like it!

    justforthis917 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  28. I'm a new follower, too! Love what I've seen on your site, and I'm looking forward to spending more time here!

  29. I'm a new follower- I found you via ...Yarn Round Hook... Congratulations on number 400!

  30. Something interesting about myself? I am deathly afraid of lights and drains in pools. Truly, they terrify me to no end. I know it's strange, and utterly ridiculous. :)

  31. Ohhh...Can I join?
    I'm from sweden, and I love to crochet and re-use. And I love yarn! And you've got some very nice prices I see :-)
    Hope for a bit of luck now!

  32. Hi, I also followed a link from Men Crochet 2. I'm always looking for new yarn even though my wife tells me that we already have enough. I've never been able to afford Noro so would love to win that. I look forward to follow to seeing more of your blog when I have time to look around.

  33. I've just come over from Yarnroundhook. And I must say, I'm impressed! A really nice down to earth blog.
    A random snippet about me: I live on the mid coast of NSW (Aus) a beautiful place to be!!

  34. hmm - I love knitting but I have never crocheted a single stitch. something to work on. also, i recently completed my first pair of knitted socks! i kept them for myself

  35. also, I am a follower of your blog - have been for a while! I realize I left no contact info but I don't have a blog or anything, so I'll check back and if I win I'll send you my contact info :)

  36. 400 posts, Congratulations!
    Random fact about me... I love to start craft projects but not finish them.. what's the fun in finishing them cos when they are done, they are done!!

  37. I am your newest follower! (About me post is next, I promise).

  38. Let's see.... I am recently married and loving life with John to the fullest. I have been an avid crocheter ever since I taught myself the art at the age of 11. I also have a blog and love to think of it as an outlet for me to focus on the positive, honor God, and bless my family. It was nice getting to know your blog today. I am always on the look out for more crochet blogs to add to my roll. Yours is wonderful!

  39. I just found your blog. My random factoid is that I just taught myself how to knit 2 years ago!

  40. I also just signed up to follow you :o)

  41. I've posted your giveaway on my blog as well :)

  42. Something about myself...when I was about 9-10 I wrote and orchestrated a play in which my 7-8 yr old cousin walked out into the livingroom at my g'parents stating, "Oh, I'm just a streetwalker. Just a streetwalker." Of course, the parents in the room and my grandparents threw a fit...and I never admitted to them that I was the one who told her to say that.

  43. What a sweetie you are! And so generous too. Hmmm, random fact about me....As much as I love to look at a pretty garden, I hate doing the actual work. I always feel like it's a chore hanging over my head -- you know I'd rather be crocheting!

  44. Just found you through my friend, Ellen! Lovely blog! About me.....hmmmm....I really love alpacas and wish I could have one as a pet. Just one. They're so cute :)

  45. What gorgeous yarn! Any of them would be such a special treat!

    Something about me: My Grandmother taught me to crochet when I was 4 years old with thread. It's something I've done my entire life and I think of her every time I pick up my hook.

    Thank you for entering me in the giveaway. :)

  46. I am a follower of your blog. :)


  47. What a generous giveaway! Thank you. Random fact--I have been crocheting for over 40 years. A dear "auntie" taught me during a knitting bee that my mom hosted every month.

  48. Hey :) I turned 34 yesterday and I'm from Norway :) I love crochet, learned it as a little girl from my grandma. Started crocheting again early this year :)

    I'm following your blog and I've linked to this give away in my blog :)

  49. What a great giveaway! My random fact: I almost never buy the same type of yarn twice. I prefer to try something new every time.

  50. Knitting is a pleasure and yarn is the way.
    Thank you for this generous giveaway.

  51. HI!! I just found your blog this morning and have posted about your giveaway on my own! I'd love for you to check it out! I also am a new follower of your blog!

    Random fact: I adopted a Beagle stray puppy a few months ago and despite some initial health setbacks she is growing into a spunky litte thing!

  52. My nickname growing up was SAM (Slow as molasses).
    mummytocharis at yahoo dot com

  53. GFC follower as mummytocharis.
    mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
