
Sunday, February 13, 2011

sunday morning + menu

Every Sunday morning after coffee has been drunk and the newspaper read, I pull a few cookbooks off the shelf and make a menu for the week. K helps me choose which recipes to try. Together we make a grocery list and then head out early to shop before the store gets crowded. Lately we've ended up at the grocery at the same time that the firefighters make their weekly food run. It was really cute to see so many firefighters picking out Valentine's Day cards and buying chocolates today. It made me laugh to see the contrast of those tough guys in uniform holding such lovey-dovey cards.

* * * * * 

This is the menu we made for this week:


Spinelli's pizza (part of--but definitely not the winner of--the Great Pizza Challenge!)

Monday and Tuesday

Mushroom tortellini soup + spinach salad

Wednesday and Thursday

Spinach rice casserole


Baked sweet potatoes with black beans

* * * * * 

What's on your menu this week? Anything you're really looking forward to? I'm most excited about the soup and salad night.


  1. Yum, sounds good! I'm sick so would you like to come cook for me for the week? LOL. I love spinach salads. The kids actually prefer spinach over any lettuce! Crazy huh?

  2. I must make menus ahead. It is such a simple thing to do, but I don't and find I stumble through the week unprepared. Love the menu board in the precious post as well!

  3. I don't do a menu plan. But I know (already!) what we're having tonight: lentil soup with herb and garlic bread!

  4. Looks like a great week of food--especially the mushroom tortellini soup. (Which book is that from?)
    I'm itching to do some baking/cooking myself (something about being trapped indoors).
    I learned how to properly make an omelet recently. I do realize I'm 25--almost 26. But I've been a vegan for most of my adult life. So I'm excited to make (and eat) more. :)

  5. Yum! The Spanish Rice casserole sounds good to me. Great menu ideas!

  6. I made a chickpea, rice, and cabbage soup tonight that was amazing. I linked to it this week. Much better than I anticipated.

    I like the sound of the black beans & sweet potatoes.

  7. I love the Moosewood cookbooks, can't go wrong there.


Comments welcomed!