
Friday, January 29, 2010

Eye Pillows

I still haven't cut into my Anna Maria Horner fabrics. It's so hard to make that first cut! Thank you for the quilting suggestions and tips you left for me. I appreciate your help and encouragement so much! I picked up Bend the Rules Sewing and Denyse Schmidt Quilts from the library to help me along on my quilting adventure.

I've been itching to use my sewing machine again and figured that I should try a little patchwork project before starting on my throw. Also, taking yoga classes has made me more aware of my body and has brought my attention to the need to relax--like really relax, pull my shoulders down from my ears, keep my hands still, and close my eyes. A lavender-scented eye pillow seemed like a good project to kill two birds with one stone.

I gathered some fabric scraps and got to work with the rotary cutter and mat that I got for Christmas. I just kind of improvised as I went along and used what I had in the house. I stitched, filled them with split peas and lavender, and now I've got two new eye pillows. I'm hoping to get one of them in the mail soon for a friend celebrating her birthday in a couple of days.

 Now that I've hauled out all my fabric scraps, I think I'll be making some more of these. They're fast and fun to make. And I feel a little less nervous about starting on that throw. 


  1. These would make great gifts! Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Cute. I love the grey/yellow color scheme.

  3. When-oh-when will you start putting some of your sewing projects in your Etsy shop, hmmmmm...?

    These are lovely, dear. And thoughtful, just like your posts...

    Have a wonderful weekend, Allison.


  4. thanks, you all!

    maria- hopefully soon! thanks for the nudge. i've been meaning to put some new things in my neglected little shop. i've got lots of ideas.

  5. These are gorgeous, and so perfect for the end of a yoga practice.

  6. Very nice and love your fabric choices!

  7. Very nice. I like the fabrics -- they just look soothing.

  8. Very nice! I am not going to enter your giveaway because there is no chance that I will be relaxing any time soon. This house is a constant zoo! But they came out wonderfully!


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