
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

little birds sweater

Little yellow birds keep flying off my needles with this project. I tucked it away for a few weeks to finish some gift knitting and because I was intimidated by the sleeve join and a confusing part of the yoke, but I've been working on it monogamously for the past couple days.

I am in the middle of the sleeve join right now, and it's extremely tight knitting. Like so tight I popped one of my needle tips right off the cable and my stitches sprang loose! Luckily my toddler-wrangling skills kicked into action, and I quickly captured those loose stitches before they could unravel very far. I think I've also rigged a temporary fix for the broken needle (read: I shoved it back together in a fit of frustration, and it seems to be working so far, though I don't trust it as far as I can throw it, and if it breaks again I probably will indeed throw it).

I haven't yet reached the part of the yoke that other knitters called a "head-scratcher," but I'm hoping Ravelry notes will help me figure it out.

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Joni Mitchell: In Her Own Words by Malka Marom has been keeping me good company these days. I like reading about Joni's early days and her creative process. I'm also craving a plot-driven read, which I hope will be remedied soon by a trip to the library.

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I'm joining in with Ginny this week.

What are you making and reading these days? I've been knitting on a few other sweaters, baking (this week it was banana cake), and gardening. 


  1. Toddler-wrangling skills save the day on the sweater - lol. The sweater is going to be beautiful. I love the look of that stitch pattern.

  2. I love the simple cables! I've been feeling the itch for a nice plot-driven novel as well (and it's been YEARS since my last one; I was afraid I was converted to non-fiction for life! lol). Can't wait to see what you find :)

  3. I have yet to try a bottom up construction. I usually bypass such a pattern. Good luck on the yoke.
    I've been reading a young adult, supernatural eBook. It's actually pretty good. We'll see how it ends and of I'll be motivated to read forget in the series. I am still working on my first, vanilla sock. I'm able to knit a couple of rounds a day. I put unpacking a few boxes first today and a short walk and jog.

  4. This is so beautfiul, the stitch pattern, the color you've chosen,...good luck on the yoke!

  5. Dont you hate it when the sts are that tight that they are hard to knit. Thank goodness for your toddler wrangling skills that saved those sts. I love the color of the yarn and the sweater is looking beautiful.

  6. Lovely stitch. The same stitch is used in Gudrun Johnson's Praline which I knitted a few years ago. Great colour too, full of summer.

  7. Lovely stitch. The same stitch is used in Gudrun Johnson's Praline which I knitted a few years ago. Great colour too, full of summer.

  8. Lovely stitch. The same stitch is used in Gudrun Johnson's Praline which I knitted a few years ago. Great colour too, full of summer.

  9. I love this stitch! Simple enough, but creates such an interesting effect!

  10. Good thing you have those toddler wrangling skills! :)
    Your progress is beautiful. Thank you for mentioning the Joni Mitchell book, I will have to give it a go.

  11. This is lovely! :-) Yellow is such a cheerful colour to work with!


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