
Thursday, January 8, 2015

new year intentions and a marigold marin shawl

Oh my goodness, it's the new year already! My new year so far is full of good intentions. I am always a dreamer and a resolution-maker. This year I've chosen the word nourish to carry me through the year. I feel like I've been wearing myself thin, and I'd like to take better care of myself. Sleep more, take more hot baths, do more yoga, drink more water, light more candles, read more. Nourish seems to encapsulate those intentions.

Of course I have crafting goals too. I (always) hope to sew more. In particular I'd like to make a Scout Tee and a Dottie Angel frock when she releases the pattern. I'd like to try drop-spindling again. And I'm making a realistic list of things I hope to knit this year. Uniform is definitely on the list, along with a couple of sweaters for my boy to wear in fall. I'll also be knitting a hat for the Mystery Hat Swap (there's still time to join if you haven't already!).

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I've been logging as much knitting time as I can on this beauty of a shawl. Every night I think, "Tonight is the night I finish the shawl," but somehow those garter stitch rows deceive me, so that at the end of the night I finally give up and think: "Tomorrow!" Maybe tonight is the night.

The yarn makes the shawl, for sure. This brilliant yellow is Liesl's marigold-dyed yarn. I'm excited for her to open her shop, but in the meantime I've got a skein of undyed yarn and a bag of marigolds in my freezer that are calling my name. Maybe I better add that to the list.

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Did you choose a word for 2015? Or set any craft goals? I'd love to hear.

My past words include: brave, resourceful, action, and intent.


  1. Nourish is a good word, mine for this year is healing as for us to grow we need to heal as we walk along our path.
    Another goal is learn to sew and maybe buy a sew machine. We'll see...

    Have a great weekend!!

    Lluisa xoxo

  2. What a great word you chose for 2015. My word for the year is Mindful.
    I signed up for the Mystery Hat Swap too and am anxious to begin, it should be fun.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Nourish is a good word for 2015. I just commented on another blogger's post who was sharing her word for the year (brave.) I told her that I don't think I could narrow things down to choose just one! I do hope to work smarter, not harder this year and now wear myself out as much as last year. The goal is to dole out my time and energy wisely so I can be more active and present in all the different areas of my life. Lots of luck with your crafty and personal goals. I can't wait to see what all you create this year. :)

    And your Marin is looking gorgeous!

  4. Beautiful shawl! My word is Enough. To me it means that whatever I accomplish in this year I will be satisfied it is enough and not guilt myself into doing more.

  5. I'm glad you'll be nourishing yourself this 2015. Whenever I see yellow, I think of you.

  6. What a beautiful shawl. Nourish is a good word to live by for this year. I chose for the word 'perspective' for 2015, I need to look at things from a more positive point of view.


Comments welcomed!