
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

marigold marin

The days here have been gray and cold, and it has been tempting to stay inside all day to be near the cheeriness of multicolored Christmas lights and the warm oven, which I've been filling with cinnamon-y baked goods as often as I can.

We are in the thick of Christmas activities around here. It's all Advent calendars and countdowns and elves hiding. But I am most decidedly not elbow-deep in any Christmas knitting because I've sworn off it this year (thanks to the Knitmores' grinchalong). Instead I'm knitting for myself, just for pleasure, not out of any obligation, and without any finish date in mind.

I've actually found myself actively knitting on only two projects: my December socks and a Marin shawl out of naturally dyed marigold yarn that I'm testing for Liesl. I've knit the Marin shawl before, but I gave it away, so I decided to make one for myself in this sunshine-colored yarn that brings much needed light to these winter days.

I'm devouring Delancey. I love Molly's voice and the way she tells a story. I've been reading her blog for years, and while I often find myself hungry after reading a post, what I've found more lately is that I feel inspired to write (and read). Her post "I got to go back" particularly got to me. I created a reading list based on it and in the last month read About Alice, Can't We Talk about Something More Pleasant?, and Slouching Towards Bethlehem. So it seemed only natural to follow those with Molly's own book, which has me thinking about career plans and travel adventures (and of course her book makes me want to fly to Seattle and eat pizza).

* * *

I'm joining Ginny's Yarn Along today. 

What are you making and reading? Are you making any holiday presents?


  1. I keep saying I am not going to knit for Christmas and then still do, maybe next year!
    I have been wanting to read Delancey and think it will be next on my list, I love Molly's
    voice too.
    Your sunshine colored yarn is so pretty.

  2. Oh, it's hard not to be drawn to sunny yellow yarn when it's so grey out, isn't it? I always end up knitting with brighter colors in the winter. I definitely feel the crush to finish Christmas gift-knitting - I usually knit for myself in January, but I love your idea of letting go of the obligation to get gift knitting done in December. May have to try that next year.

  3. That is a beautiful color!! I keep adding holiday gifts to knit as it gets closer to Christmas. It's a terrible plan, but I can't seem to help myself.

  4. The marigold yarn came out great! Nice bright color. Mine came out sorta green. Marin is a real pretty pattern. I just added it to the ever growing queue.

  5. Your pictures are so pretty! I love the color of the yarn! :)

  6. Delancy is on my list too. Love that golden shawl.

  7. Love that sunshine yellow! I have added Delancey to my must read list! Thanks!

  8. Martin is a really cool shawl design. Ysolda is such a sweet designer. I need to knit more of her designs. The yellow is such a happy one. I associate that color with you. Girlfriend, I am really pushing my hands with this holiday knitting, sigh. I just finished reading a knitting fiction mystery. It was 4 stars.

  9. So much happy Christmas happenings! Love the Marigold yarn with that pattern. It looks delish!

  10. That yarn is so pretty. It will make a great shawl to wrap yourself in for winter warmth and color. Enjoy your holiday going-ons. It'll be over before we know it (it's going by waaaaay too fast!).


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