
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

carefree pajama shorts

The other day I sewed a pair of pajama shorts from a vintage sheet. The fabric is funky in a good way; it makes me feel like I just fell out of a childhood summer circa 1970. They're a pretty carefree pair of shorts, and if I were younger they would be the perfect pair to wear while riding my banana-seat bicycle around the block or maybe walking to the ice cream parlor a couple streets over. Instead, they're my new favorite pajama shorts, definitely too loud and colorful to wear in public.

The other night was a perfect spring night--warm enough to wear these shorts to sit outside and watch the stars come out, but cool enough that a cup of hot tea made a cozy companion. Summer is coming mighty fast, but I'm enjoying the spring nights while they last, soaking in the stars and mosquito-free breezes, bare-legged except for a pair of handmade pajama shorts.

* * *

I've already got another pair cut out and ready to sew, a size medium this time. The size small fit, but I think the mediums will be comfier. If you want to make a pair of your own, pop on over to Liesl's blog for the excellent tutorial


  1. Super cute material and end result. What a smart idea to use a beloved sheet for this project. I wish I had kept my Holly Hobbie sheet! I'd rock a dress in that.

  2. Just daughter would these love these. Perfect for summer.

  3. Great idea to use a vintage sheet for these. Love the result.

  4. So glad you made them! And I love the vintage sheet.
    I can wear the medium but usually make myself the large, especially when I make pants, because PJs should be comfy! :)


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