
Friday, February 28, 2014

gray and pink


I'm loving these colors together lately and am still fawning over the yarn I got at the festival last weekend. It's handspun from WindSong Fibers Farm. I'm thinking I should make something striped--maybe a cowl or shawlette. Any ideas for a little more than 300 yards of light worsted-weight yarn?


  1. These look wonderful together. I like how they're heathered. I think a shawlette is a good decision.

  2. Very nice! Oh, how I love yarn! What about a chevron scarf using those two colors? I think that would look really nice.

  3. I am not a pink lover, but for some reason I love the combination of grey and pink so much :)


  4. I see I'm not the only one loving gray and pink! I am a bit jealous I couldn't go to the festival and try my hand at more projects using this type of yarn. Have fun with them--and striped is a good choice :)

  5. Such a wonderful color combo!
    Have you thought of the Bespeckled hat? That uses two colors in a worsted. (I used a heavier worsted acrylic for mine but I think a animal-based fiber in a slightly lighter weight would give it much better shape.)


Comments welcomed!