
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

yarn along: old-fashioned baby hat

This week I've nearly finished a type of baby hat known in some circles as a bonnet, but because my husband refuses to dress our son in anything called a bonnet, this is simply an old-fashioned baby hat. I think it's sweet and practical; the i-cord ties will keep the hat in place so Baby J will be snug on outings next winter.

This is the first time I've made an i-cord and, well, I'm already looking around for things that could benefit from a stretchy knitted cord. The pattern includes links to all the techniques it uses, which makes them really easy to learn.

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For months I felt too tired to make it through anything longer than a newspaper article. And then I read a few blog posts that mentioned babies who go to bed in the 6 or 7 o'clock hour. "Who the heck are these babies?" I asked. And the bloggers just mentioned that their babies went to bed early in passing, as if, you know, this is something babies do. Not my baby. My baby wanted to stay up late and nurse every few hours. I had no time to even think about reading. But this week we've finally settled into an earlier bedtime routine (I'm knocking on wood right now so I don't jinx it), and so I've had a few hours to myself each night. I'm not any more well-rested than I was when I had to wake up and feed the baby every few hours. Oh no. I'm like a kid at a slumber party who wants to pack in as much fun as possible before dawn. I've been staying up too late knitting and reading, playing board games with my husband, baking cakes, and watching stand-up comedy. Yeah, I'm really letting loose.

All this to say, I'm reading Cooked by Michael Pollan. I love reading about food, and Michael Pollan uses words that I sometimes have to look up in the dictionary, which I also love doing. My nerdiness knows no bounds.

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Do you love knitting and reading too? 

See who else is participating in the Yarn Along.

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  1. What a beautiful hat! I think it's better than a typical hat, because it will stay on and keep warm...good for a boy or girl, not to girlie, in my opinion. My babies didn't go to be early, either, (unless they missed their nap) and those I know who do, get up very early, too. I like reading Pollan, making little changes to our life, in the way we eat...I haven't read that book yet, though.

  2. I'm listening to Michael read Cooked (from; I'm really loving this book!! hope you do , too!! Happy baby hat---very cute!

  3. Lovely non-bonnet!
    Take that extra hour and sleep - it'll serve you better than any other task in my experience.

  4. This project was my first i-cord too. I love it and wanted to just keep knitting! Maybe it's because it's so narrow, it comes to together so quickly.

    I'm glad you're getting into a schedule you enjoy. I hope it sticks and perfects and your home finds a nice rhythm. (We used to have a nice rhythm for years--even with a lot of people in this house, we all found a few hours each day to have to ourselves. We'd gather then disperse, then gather again. I think it helped keep our sanity.)

    And thank you for reminding me to make sure I have that book requested from the library. Both my Dad and I are interested in reading it. I hope you're enjoying it!

  5. what a sweet hat. i have heard about that book, i might just have to go check it out.

  6. I love knitting for sure! As for reading, I do but don't do it often enough and I don't know why it is like that... I'm sure that soon you will be more rested, not that I know, but they say that after a few months, magic happen and the baby starts sleeping for longer nights! Anyways, it nice to read you!

  7. That will be vintage cool for the baby. I would ask the same question about these babies, but more like what the hell? You are good to look up words you don't know. I get lazy.


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