
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

a friend quilt

This handmade quilt has become our downstairs playtime quilt. It's where J spends his time taking in this big world, one room at a time, and where he gets some much-loved tummy time. 

I swear, this kid can't wait to crawl. He lifts himself up and kicks his feet something fierce. After several minutes of not actually going anywhere, he gets tired and sucks his hand. That's pretty much the extent of playtime at five weeks of age. Sometimes we read him a book or attempt to interest him in toys, but generally he's content to lie on his quilt and marvel at all there is to see, such as dust bunnies under the couch and vast expanses of white ceiling (exciting stuff!).  

The quilt was a gift from my longtime blogging friend Amy, who writes the blog During Quiet Time. She's an extraordinary seamstress who makes complicated paper-pieced patterns and screen prints. I love this fun, colorful quilt she made, and I love that it reminds me of her every time we use it. You can see her post about the quilt here. Thanks, Amy!

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{P.S. Jan wrote about the baby gift basket from my previous post and included links to the tutorials she used. It's a great resource if you've got babies to sew for!}


  1. What a sweet quilt. Perfect color scheme, too. Gray with a few pops of color. :)

  2. It's a very nice quilt. Your friend must be delighted at how much use it's getting. Baby is cute.

  3. Love the quilt! Sounds like you're going to have an early crawler :) my middle baby crawled super early, she couldn't sit up alone but she could crawl everywhere!

  4. Oh, he looks so sweet on the quilt! Thank you for sharing these pictures with me...makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside :)

  5. This quilt is gorgeous and that little bundle of cute lying on top of it is pretty special too. ;) I hope you have a wonderful First Mother's Day, Allison.

  6. What a beautiful quilt! What a world of discoveries for him!


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