
Sunday, April 21, 2013

these days

J at three weeks

Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments to welcome our baby! You all are the best! 

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More than three weeks have passed since Baby J entered the world, and it seems that we're just coming up for air. We've been in a fog of newborn busyness: a fog both delightful (tiny toes and fingers to kiss! milky cheeks to cuddle! baby smiles and grimaces to coo over!) and overwhelming (how is he hungry when he just finished eating? he's gone through how many diapers today? why is he crying?).

Each day feels remarkably the same, and with the lack of sleep, my timeline is hopelessly skewed. My husband and I have lost track of when things happened. "When was that?" we ask each other. "One of the days that came before today," has become the reply.

However, we are finally finding a little rhythm to our days and getting more comfortable in our new roles. This week I squeezed in a tiny bit of gardening, bread baking, knitting, and walking. And even though I barely made a dent in the weeds and I'm knitting a sweater that may never fit (what size will my body be come winter?) those moments felt like some of the biggest accomplishments.

My favorite moments of all, though, are holding J for the first time each morning. His chubby body is always still warm from being swaddled, and he looks up at me with the brightest blue eyes. *Swoon*

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P.S. My mom and I made the baby quilt in the photo as our practice quilt. It was the first real quilt for both of us. I received the vintage sheet squares a long time ago from this prolific quilter and had been saving them for just the right project. Also, I still need to take photos of the other quilt my mom and I made and some handmade goodies people made for J. I'll post them soon-ish (on some day that comes after today).


  1. Oh, he looks so precious and content. Your days are so full. I'm very happy for you. And excited to see more of the handmade goodness for J. (I'm always interested in what people make for boys as they are trickier to craft for than girls.)

    (I've got that cardigan in my queue too. Someday, someday! Here's hoping it fits---red always seems perfect for snowy winters, like a cardinal among the white.)

  2. You know, I still feel like my days are a bit like that with kids 10, 7 and 3! It becomes the norm and a little easier to handle. He's such a sweety pie. I always liked the early morning cuddle best too...which is funny because generally there was a feeding just mere hours before but for some reason the fact that it was officially considered morning made it different :)

  3. such a blessing . sweet lil one :)

  4. Enjoy all of these moments as they will go so fast! Your son is so handsome already!

  5. Oh, how did I miss this? Welcome beautiful Jude (I love that name) to this wonderful, crazy world. I am absolutely thrilled for you three and honestly; he looks simply perfect.

    Go with the flow and be gentle on yourself. These weeks and months of sleep deprived headiness will melt into one another and before you know it he will be one ;-)

  6. Congratulations on your precious bundle :) I was always amazed at how slowly the day could go (especially with all the he's hungry again?! and why is he crying? and he must be tired!) but then how extremely quickly the time is flying. I try to remember to cherish each baby day because they change so quickly and he is only my tiny cuddly baby for a short time.

    You have so much to look forward to and he is just darling!!

  7. Oh my goodness! I missed seeing your last post (on holiday, is my excuse)... Congratulations! J is adorable.
    I remember the early days with a new baby, it can seem overwhelming, but I'm sure you're doing a fantastic job.

  8. Can you believe S & I actually got into a fight once because he picked up Adallae in the morning while I was getting her milk ready? lol I felt a bit gipped(sp?) that he got the reward after I had been up several times and was just preparing to get her...I've learned to share a little more since ;-) J looks absolutely precious, and you will love every stage to come, especially those adoring eyes :)

  9. He is so precious. Time passes by so quickly so take lots of pics.

  10. Sweet moments!! Enjoy all them because the time just flies...

    Lluisa x


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