
Friday, March 8, 2013

tasks for today

Thank you all so much for your kind comments on my last post. I am grateful for your support and encouraging words. You all made me cry! I felt much less alone carrying your sweet words around in my head. Thank you!

I am now 35 weeks pregnant, which definitely feels like a reason to celebrate. I'm happy for each day more that the baby gets to spend inside, putting on weight and developing his lungs and big brain. I got behind on taking and posting my weekly photos because I was having back pain (and contractions, though I didn't realize it at the time). All I wanted to do after work was go to bed. So, that's why my photos stopped at Week 31.

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Today feels good. The sun is shining through the window, I'm listening to Adele, and I have baby knitting and thank you note writing ahead of me. K and I met with The Diaper Fairy this morning, who is super enthusiastic (even at 8 a.m.) and could get nearly anyone fired up about using cloth diapers. I still can't believe how soon we're going to have a squirming little baby in our arms, but we've spent this last week gathering essentials, so we are ready when he decides to arrive. (I do hope he stays put through the end of the month because I really want to see Deb from Smitten Kitchen when she's in Louisville.)

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Links I'm loving lately:

Cute no-scratch baby mittens pattern

I can't get enough chocolate these days. And I miss baking. When I'm back in commission, this chocolate tart is on my to-make list.

Stefanie has some beautiful finished objects to share.

I'm still fawning over Jared Flood's studio. His yarn is definitely on my Christmas wish list this year. And my Umaro blanket is still on the needles and coming along beautifully.

I think I've finally settled on a couple sweaters to knit this year: a Larch cardigan in crisp red and an Argo in light heathery gray.


What's inspiring you these days? 

Feel free to leave links in the comments. I've got plenty of time to look through them. ;)  



  1. So good to hear that all is going well for you! Have a good weekend and rest well!

  2. I am glad to hear that everything is going ok, you'll see before you even notice your baby will be in your arms :)

    I think this site it's interesting:

    And tis is my blog, is not as much interesting as other ones around here but I am very new :)

    Take care!
    Lluisa x

  3. 35 weeks is fab! Well done for getting this far! My doctor said during my last pregnancy that it was best to do everything to hold out to 37 weeks and then the baby would be ready to enter the world! Hang in there: you are on the home stretch and oh, the excitement of holding your baby will make these days of bedrest seem very, very distant.

    Hours upon hours of knitting? That sounds pretty lovely. I am serioiusly addicted these days.


  4. Hi there love. Glad to hear that you felt the love from everyone. Hang in there love, little babes will be here before you know it.
    Enjoy your knitting and Adele. :)

  5. I can't believe you are this close already---feels like you just announced the pregnancy here on your blog. If we don't hear from you before the birth, I hope it's a happy, safe delivery.

    As for some links to enjoy: Have you seen this elephant? I'm not sure if it would be as frustrating as the other you made.
    Also Casey's little bunny is so sweet and perfect for spring.

    And here is a song I can't get enough of: (And the video is impressive considering it's one seamless take.)

  6. Hey! I am glad to hear that the baby is still chill-axin inside! Just a little bit more to go. :)

  7. Thank you for the shout out! I'm still working my way back on your blog today but glad your spirits have been uplifted.


Comments welcomed!