
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

20 weeks: oh, we're halfway there

At 20 weeks pregnant I feel like an old lady. It already feels harder to get in and out of chairs and bed. I woke up this morning with a hip ache and some pretty intense ligament stretching. Yikes! 

At least I finally bought some maternity clothes. I'm much more comfortable in pants and leggings with stretchy belly covers. So comfortable, actually, that I'm not sure I can ever go back to buttons and zippers after this.

* * * 

But the most exciting thing that happened this week was our 20-week ultrasound.

We found out a little bit more about the person growing inside me...

It was amazing to see him moving around. He moves much more than I can feel! We got to see his tiny hands moving and his heart beating. Such a sweet sight for a new mama and dad! It definitely made me want to quote Raising Arizona.

* * *

I hope you're having a good week too!


  1. Fantastic! I was guessing boy---I'm not usually right though. Woo hoo!! I am so excited for you.

  2. Congratulations! Little boys are amazing. :)

  3. So look beautiful! ♥ And to find out you're having a boy...I know many people like the surprise, but I like to start calling the baby by name!!! Have you picked out a name?

  4. You look radiant. Congrats on finding out it's a boy. What a wonderful journey you are on. Blessings. Heather

  5. Congrats on the boy! Maternity clothes are the best :)

  6. Isn't technology amazing? It changes even in 6 months! Ho'omaka'i to you and your husband.

  7. I'm so excited! I've been trying to catch up on some of my favorite blogs tonight and your news has made me so happy! And you look beautiful!! Best wishes!

  8. Aww, so excited for you!! Can't wait to 'meet' him!! You look so gorgeous and glowing :)

  9. It seems like everyone I know is having boys! My three cousins on my dad's side alone have 7 boys and one girl (oft called Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.) Other cousins and many friends have had (or are expecting) boys as well!

    I've heard good things about the books 'The Dangerous Book for Boys' and 'Rules for my Unborn Son.' Maybe you can get your hands on them.

    Hope everything is going smoothly. You look beautiful. :)

  10. You look wonderful! Congratulations on your little man!


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