
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

17 weeks

I was 17 weeks pregnant on Halloween. Seventeen weeks pregnant means only the top button of my coat buttons and I can wear my jeans only with the help of the hairband trick. Most days I look (and feel) just plain fat instead of pregnant, but I've been told that most first-time mothers notice a growth spurt between 20 and 24 weeks.

Right now I'm carrying a baby the size of an apple or a turnip or a tiny pumpkin (take your pick; every website says something different). Every day I hope for the quickening: the time when I first feel the baby move. And still, I'm waiting. I hope it happens sooner, rather than later. I'm ready to interact with this little one!

I'm glad to be firmly in the second trimester. I feel good. Normal, actually. During the first trimester I spent most of my time asleep or sick, so I'm happy to have energy to help make dinner, bake bread, or, you know, reorganize the house. After three months of sluggishness, I used my first burst of energy to rearrange our bedroom. Our upstairs living room soon followed, and I've set my sights on the kitchen cabinets next. I'm afraid the third trimester will zap my energy again, so I'm trying to pack as much into these three months as I can.

* * *

I hope you're all doing well! What's going on in your life this week?



  1. You look beautiful! Isn't it so trippy to be housing a lil' one?
    Pls stay away from shellfish; there's no direct link but lots of babies me and others know have had bad eczema and their mothers ate a lot of shrimp. W/my first baby, I found when I walked while being preggers, it helped me lose the baby weight after I had finished nursing.

  2. I think you look pregnant and not fat! I felt that way with every pregancy too though so I completely understand. Give it a couple more weeks! I am glad you are feeling good. Have you thought about colors for the baby's room?

  3. ♥'ve just got to start wearing blatant maternity tops, ones that flow and make your belly look big and pregnant! Enjoy this time. The miracle of the little life...

  4. You are adorable. Be patient, it will happen :)

  5. Congratulations!!! You must fell very happy with it! When I was pregnant was the only period that I was proud of my belly :) All the best for this lovely days, Paula

  6. The first time you feel the baby will be like nothing you've ever experienced before! Enjoy your new-found energy.

  7. Glad to hear you're getting some energy back. Hope you get a lot accomplished. :)

  8. How exciting. Isn't that burst of energy wonderful! Enjoy every min. & get as much done as you can. It's been a few yrs., but from what I remember I also had a burst of energy towards the end of the pregnancy, when the "nesting instinct" happens.
    I can still remember the very first time I felt Korey move. And the same was with Ashley, both such exciting times.

    Have a great week - Phyllis

  9. I agree: enjoy this time! It is an amazing experience from start to finish and despite feeling bloated or tired or nauseous (for me all of the above!) it is so humbling and joyful. Keep a journal, you'll cherish years from now...


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