
Saturday, June 23, 2012

good things lately

my list of good things:

Moonrise Kingdom finally opened in Louisville, so my weekend plans are set! 

I have almost finished knitting my Imogen tee. It's gorgeous and girly. I can't wait to wear it! The designer is offering a discount in her Ravelry shop through tomorrow (6/24) if you're interested. Her Sibella is the next sweater on my to-knit list.

This garden looks so dreamy.

Maiden Radio has been keeping me good company lately. I've been listening to their lullabies and old-fashioned songs.

I like these ideas.

Drinking coffee from a rustic mug and eating breakfast outside would make any day feel like a holiday.

* * *

Have a great weekend!

What's on your list of good things this week?



  1. Quite some good things! The Cream Pitcher at that Etsy shop is so lovely.

    The sweater you're working on looks beautiful.

    And I'd love to see Moonrise Kingdom (and even the new Snow White movie) but I'll wait until they come out on DVD. Honestly, I'm not a big theater fan. I think the last movie I saw in the theater was Alice in Wonderland. And before that it might have been the documentary Sicko!

  2. LOve your new header. It looks fresh and summery!
    Your knittng is beautiful. Can't wait to see it in all it's glory.
    I am with you, I would love to sip my morning coffee out of that coffee mug!

  3. You're such a talented knitter. I remember when you just used to crochet! ♥ I do miss your bicycle header, though.

  4. The start of that tee is so lovely!


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