
Sunday, January 8, 2012


action: my word for 2012

I am a dreamer. I could happily spend my days thinking up places to go, crafts to make, and foods to bake. However, I'm resolving to make a year of action. I want to do things instead of just thinking about them. I want to be out in the world living.

Recently I've heard a number of people eschew resolutions. They don't like to set goals because they'll feel bad when they don't achieve those goals. Pshaw, people. Leave that negativity back in 2011 and move on. Resolutions are my favorite part of the new year, in part because I'm a list-maker anyway and also because I don't get worked up if my goals don't get checked off. There's always next year, right?

2012 To-do List

  • Try out new crafts. Basket-weaving, spinning, and woodworking are all possibilities. 

  • Knit like crazy. Experiment more with knitting and be unafraid to veer away from patterns.

  • Try new crochet stitches. Write and share more patterns.

  • Make cheese. This one I've already done, so I'll change it: Make more cheese.

  • Submit writing for publication, online or in print.

  • Get outside more. Walk, hike, play.

  • Use time more wisely. Curtail computer use. 

  • Send more snail mail. Hopefully this will result in receiving more mail. Yay!

  • Design and create a lovely backyard garden.

  • Travel somewhere I've never been. Maybe the Grand Canyon or Yosemite? I also want to go to Mammoth Cave and Gethsemani

As part of my plan, I'd like to curtail my computer use. I've written before that my job requires me to spend long hours in front of the computer. When I get home at night, my eyes feel strained and my body is tired, yet I continue to log evening hours online just for fun. There are so many blogs and websites that give me inspiration, but what use is that inspiration if I have no time or energy to create on my own? I absolutely want to continue crafting and writing here on Field Wonderful, so I need to carve out more space for myself to do that and be more mindful of how I use my time.

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What are your resolutions for 2012? I'd love to hear.

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Resolutions for 2010 and 2011

An article about quiet, stillness, and time away from electronics (via). 


  1. My resolution is to get strong enough to do chin-ups. That was my only one, but after reading yours I think I should add digging up and replanting my front garden. This will be a huge challenge for me as I'm not green-fingered and have managed to put it off for 5 years so far!
    Good luck with all your resolutions!

  2. I'm hoping to be smarter with money. And to garden more/get my hands dirty this summer. And your ideas for places to go remind me I've always wanted to check out a local Marian Shrine and a Sculpture Park.
    Wishing you a grand 2012!

  3. Your resolutions are similar to mine - I also spend more time looking at blogs and websites for "inspiration" but rarely creating, for the same reasons you do. I am making an effort to actually create this year

  4. I love your thinking, goals are good even if you don't fully achieve them at least you got started and that makes you better than you were last year. I always resolve to knit more and I always do! This year I've also resolved to be more green. Thanks for sharing your goals, it's good to know there are other positive people out there.

  5. I posted today about my resolutions too.... I think the key is keeping them positive instead resolving to lose 20 pounds every year, how about resolving to walk more instead? That's do-able. I like your goals, they inspire me!

  6. Mine is somewhat typical and common. I set this goal every year and even though I haven't reached it yet, I'm still resolving to wear a bikini (and not feel self-conscious) at the pool or beach. I'm getting closer each year (I'm in the best shape I've really ever been as an adult) and this year just may be THE year. What makes this year different is that I've started running (up to 2.5 miles so far!) and I'm using to track calories and exercise. Setting myself up for success!

    Additionally, I resolve to get a job that I feel passionate about. I'm determined to make it happen!

  7. You might like trying out the "puff stitch" on this free pattern:
    I'm in the midst of making this hat!


Comments welcomed!