
Sunday, November 27, 2011


It's time for sleeves. Ugh.

My Levenwick knitting has been humming along in the background, filling time between other projects. When I wanted long stretches of stockinette, I picked up the Levenwick. Seeing miles of knits and purls before me soothed me. My hands worked without any thought, leaving me free to daydream. I thought of how this cardigan would be perfect for Christmas get-togethers with skinny jeans and boots, how the color reminded me of cranberries, how the scalloped collar will keep my neck warm.

Now I've got two sleeves to knit, all purling in the round. Daydreaming time is over. If I daydream on the sleeves, my stitches end up in an uneven, ugly spiral all down the sleeve. I know this from experience. I've already ripped back once, but I'm facing the slog of sleeve-knitting with determination because I do want to wear this on Christmas Eve.

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How is your Christmas crafting coming along? I've got four presents I've started but not yet finished, plus this sweater for myself. I'm only really worried about one of the projects because it requires reading a knitting chart. I haven't mastered that skill yet. I'd love to hear how your projects are going!

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P.S. Thanks for the podcast suggestions! I love This American Life and plan to try out On Being. I also recently discovered Here's the Thing with Alec Baldwin (I could listen to him talk all day) and CraftLit (a combination craft podcast and audiobook--I started with Dracula, but can't wait to listen to The Woman in White).


  1. I've learned I can't knit around people, in front of the TV or anywhere I may become distracted. Maybe it's a skill I have yet to acquire, but if it isn't a simple knit or purl row, it requires my undivided attention.

    I wish I was crafting more for folks this holiday--but I'm stumped about what to make them. I may just focus on a holiday dress for myself. (And maybe knit a few dishcloths to gift.)

    Good luck with your projects.

  2.'s coming along beautifully...I love the neck!

  3. Oh it looks so lovely! I can't wait to see it finished! I'm contemplating whether or not I have time to knit vest for my two kiddos before the holidays. We'll see. I might try a few hand sewing projects too.

  4. very pretty and unusual looking! love the coral color.

  5. Love it! So glad you like This American Life. I'll have to check out the other podcasts you mentioned. Happy Knitting :)


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