
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

it feels like home

apple peeling out on the deck.

garlic planting. hoping for a harvest come june.

in the evenings, japanese maple shadows dance across our walls.
{so hard to capture in a photo...}

squash bread makes the new place smell like home.

a beautiful day in the neighborhood. yeah, it feels this idyllic in person, too.

* * * 

I can only show you snippets of our days lately. If I showed you more, you'd see that nearly every room of the house still has boxes to unpack. You'd see me sneaking off to read The Hunger Games or knit Christmas presents or watch the first season of The Sopranos with K. We're settling in slowly. 

It's funny the things that have changed. Things that I never could have anticipated. For instance, I can see the sky so much better in our house than I could from our apartment. I never knew how much I missed it, but lately I've been watching the clouds by day and marveling at the waxing moon by night. What a show.


  1. So happy for you, my dear! And aren't we having the most gorgeous fall?

  2. I'm glad you're so happy in your new place.

  3. looks like you're settling in beautifully!

  4. The Hunger Games will certainly distract you!

    Glad you are starting to get things unpacked- it sounds wonderful!

  5. Oooh...I look forward to hearing how you like The Hunger Games, I bet you'll have to get your hands on Catching Fire and Mockingjay as I did...I was hooked!

  6. Congratulations again! What a wonderful feeling to be doing the little things that really get you settled into a new home, baking, reading, snuggling in...
    I know the pull of the Hunger Games Trilogy too! Good thing I read them in the summer time so I didn't call in sick to school!

  7. Home is such a great feeling. So glad you're settling in. :)


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