
Thursday, October 6, 2011

happy distractions

Happy fingers

(Cables! Woohoo!)

Happy mouth 

(find a version of the recipe here)

Happy thoughts

(dreaming of my next sweater and a hat)

* * * * *

Lately I've found mounds of happy things to distract me from moving chores, but we've got a stack of empty boxes in the living room that I've promised myself I'll start filling. Soon. We move in three weeks!

What's making you happy today?


  1. Yarn is also making my day: lovely merino wool for a scarf for me and a hat for the husbear. Fabulous! Good luck on your projects and the move (ugh, moving is so stressful!)

  2. Is that a Brooklyn Tweed pattern I see you knitting?? =D

    I need to pack for a trip to MI today and will probably get "happily distracted" by my current crochet project. =D

    Erin @ dutch girl diary

  3. No matter what the distraction, you have got to be bursting with excitement over this new house!

  4. Your cables look great and that torte looks amazing. Yum! I've been to Annie's Eats and found a pumpkin cream cheese muffin recipe I want to try. Yummo! Good luck with the packing. Best wishes, Tammy

  5. A day at home with my kiddos! (They have strep but not too many bothersome symptoms... a lucky situation!)
    A morning to still be in my jammies at 9:30. That hasn't happened in over a month.
    Warmth and sunshine. We're storing up for when late fall and winter come roaring in around here.
    Almost finishing a couple of fall knitting projects for myself!
    Lots to cheer about today!
    I love the color for your Levenwick. Is that a sort of dusty rose? Happy day to you!

  6. Hi Allison
    I was wondering if you had received my parcel yet? I sent it 8 days ago, I hope it arrives soon! xox ps. thanks for the recipe link x

  7. Hmmmm, what's making me happy is the Without A Trace marathon I'm watching right now. Hey, it's the little things... :)

  8. packing is not fun, but moving is so exciting!

  9. today I sent a happy birthday card in the mail to my grandfather in NJ who will be 89 very soon.

    what is the red cable going to be? a hat? that levenwick sweater looks like it will be lovely in deep pink!


Comments welcomed!