
Thursday, September 22, 2011


People told me that when I found the right house, I'd just know, but I didn't believe them one bit. I thought they were glassy-eyed optimists who'd just as soon try to convince me that if I really look hard enough I'll find a leprechaun and pot of gold at the end of every rainbow. For real, people? I was firmly convinced that the house I found would be something I settled for--good enough, but not "the one." It's not as if there's a house soulmate out there for everyone. Of course I had my hopes, although I didn't have a lot of conviction that those dreams would materialize.  

But then I walked into the house above and fell in love so hard. Fireplace? A big kitchen? Plenty of room in the dining room for that long table we want? I skittered from room to room with a giddy feeling in my stomach, knowing that I would feel incredibly lucky to live there.

And I am so damn lucky sometimes I can't believe it. Because if everything goes as planned, K and I will be moving into our new house next month. We're so excited to make the space our own, to settle in, build fires, cook meals, and live lots of new adventures. I can't wait to share it all with you!


  1. I am so happy for you..hoping that all goes well for you.

  2. Congratulations. What fun you will have moving in and making it your own. Enjoy! Best wishes, Tammy

  3. Sometimes dreams do come true. And in this case, they couldn't have happened to a nicer person. Enjoy every minute in your new home.

  4. Oh, I am so happy for you!!!! It's what you are bringing to it that will make it the perfect home.

  5. Beautiful place! Congratulations!

  6. I'm so happy for you!!! I can tell the house has LOTS of charm ... beautiful molding, arched doorway, and gorgeous wood floors. =)

  7. So exciting, congratulations Allison!

  8. That is fantastic!! Those glass-eyed optomists seem to know what they are talking about. :)

  9. Can you imagine knitting by the fire there on a cold wintry evening? It looks lovely. Home sweet home!

  10. That is so wonderful! Congratulations!

  11. Congratulations!!! The above photo looks great!!! I hope you can create amazing memories and a great life in it together!

  12. It looks beautiful! Hoping everything goes to plan. x

  13. How exciting! Congrats, Allison!

  14. Sending you good vibes- I hope you get it!

  15. Congratulations! How wonderful to find your 'dream-house'.

  16. Wow!

    It's gorgeous. I can't wait to see more...

  17. I am so excited for you guys!!! Just this one photograph says so much..! That little detail on the archway? I can't wait to see more, Allison. I am so happy for you. What a dream!



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