
Monday, July 11, 2011

the cathrineholm collection begins

I had some wonderful luck over the weekend. On a whim, I stopped by a yard sale as I walked home from the farmers' market. This CathrineHolm pan jumped out at me. There was no price tag on it, so I tried to contain my excitement as I asked the lady how much she wanted for it. "A dollar," she said. Only $1? Are you kidding me? "It's a great omelet pan," she told me, as if I needed convincing. I paid her quickly and high-tailed it out of there before she could change her mind.

Now that I've got a CathrineHolm pan, I can't help thinking that it needs some company. My eyes are peeled for bowls. A tea kettle would be a great find. I found a cute print that would look good in my kitchen. I couldn't resist buying one of Amy's new fabric designs. And so, just like that, a collection begins.


  1. what an amazing find!! A dollar!! jealous!

  2. That's the prettiest omelette pan, and the prettiest photo too!

  3. Have you made an omelette on it yet? I wonder how it works? I bet you have to butter it up well first.

  4. s-c-o-r-e

    It is cute...and you are so coordinated with it!


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