
Tuesday, June 28, 2011


My friend Christine is coming to visit today!

K and I became friends with Christine when we were all living in Japan. We visited her in Minneapolis last year, so this year it's her turn to come see us.

She keeps telling me how excited she is for her first trip to the South. She grew up in Minnesota, so she has always considered Kentucky a southern state. I, on the other hand, have grown up in Louisville and traveled farther south through Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama. And I have to say, Louisville isn't really the South. It feels very mid-western to me. We'll see what Christine, a true mid-westerner, has to say.

To welcome Christine, I put together a nook vignette in her favorite color--purple. I think I used every purple item that I have, and it still looks a little sparse. I also made her a sandwich bag for when we pack picnics this week. I didn't have any purple fabric, but I did find some with purple flowers. I embroidered a few of the flowers to make the purple stand out more.

 * * * * *

No menu or CSA post this week. Our vegetable share was pretty small this week due to bad weather in the region last week. We had flooding and four tornadoes touch down in the city. Amazingly, there were no serious injuries. The small vegetable share this week is actually fine for us because we plan to take Christine to all of our favorite restaurants.


  1. I love the welcome written in scrabble letters!

  2. What a gorgeous post. Have a fabulous week!

  3. Oh, you remind me that I wanted to do that, too...with Scrabble! I loved your "sunshine" one. Have a great time with your friend!!!

  4. I love your new header! I love your nook! How welcome and treasured your guest will feel. Anxious to know where you would take folks from out of town.
    And I'm so happy for you for your new job! Hope it is wonderful and that you find a kindred spirit in your workplace.

  5. Love this...especially the detail embroidery.

  6. Needless to say, I had an AMAZING time! I can't wait to see you guys again (in Louisville or elsewhere!). After running a mental tally of "mid-western" vs "southern" qualities, I really do have to agree that Louisville is more mid-western than southern. Charming nonetheless!


Comments welcomed!