
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

weekend snippets: kentucky in may

derby drink

I am having trouble getting back into the swing of blogging. I thought it would be no problem. School would end, and I'd immediately kick up my blogging frequency. Instead I've been dragging my feet. Of course blogging has been on my mind. Anyone who blogs can probably tell you that the question "Should I blog this?" crosses her mind like ten times a day. But my answer to that question lately has been, "No, too boring for the blog." All the things I've been doing have meaning to me--lunches, dinners, and teas with friends, derby parties, coffee dates, hours of knitting--but I'm having a hard time coming up with things to share here. I'm starting small. Scenes from my Kentucky Derby/Mother's Day weekend (a very good weekend indeed!):

my sister and my hat on derby day

* * * * * 

lettuce in mom's garden. we spent time on mother's day looking at all the new sprouts in her garden.

i found these prints in the mud. is that one near the top a raccoon?

glad to see my old wagon is being put to use carting firewood.

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I hope you all had a great weekend and are having a wonderful week. If you've got any tips for getting back my blogging pizazz, please let me know. 

How do you keep your blogging spirits up? And what would you like to see more of on Field Wonderful?


  1. Oh my gosh....I can so relate to this. Lately, this blogging gig has lost its appeal. First of all, everything I do seems to be a repeat. And then seriously, my day-to-day "adventures" are really boring -- like did I seriously blog about Spring cleaning? I must have been desperate.

    As far as what I like to see on your blog -- well, it is CSA time! And of course your crafting. But really, I guess I take some comfort in seeing that daily dose of realism -- the little things that fill all of our hours. It's all good.

  2. I haven't posted on my blog since Sat. April 30th, but I knew that would happen. I hosted my niece's graduation party over the weekend. Between that, Mother's Day, and my birthday I was occupied! But I'm coming down from all the visits and love, and believe I will be posting reflections, images and memories soon. Give yourself time, it will come. Don't forget, its your journey, no one elses :)

  3. Funny you blogged this today!
    I had an unplanned break from blogging due to an unexpected stay in hospital, and I found it hard to even think about blogging again, and found myself not wanting to, which is super odd for me, becuase I really like it, and it's like an online journal or record of memories and pretty stuff I've done!!
    So I decided to just start with pictures, similar to what you've done, just photograph the good stuff.
    And I found the words just naturally followed. Phew!
    Good luck

  4. Oh, honey. Don't ask me how to keep the blogging spirits in check. Mine were in a funk from January into May...I think it's just in the past couple weeks that I see rays of light.

    Could it be that summer vacation is near?

    I like the looks of your weekend.

  5. I hope you keep doing on this blog what you always have been doing: Sharing snippets of you at work & play in everyday life. I always feel a bit (or a lot!) brighter after visiting with you here. Just thought ya should know... ;)


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