
Saturday, April 23, 2011

after graduation plans

I am so looking to having a bit more free time to fill with creative pursuits. This is going to be such a fun summer! Here are some things I plan to do:

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* Make this indulgent cake. There is a high probability that my version fall apart. Since I don't need a meltdown while trying to write papers, I'm saving this cake to make next weekend.

* Knit a Rusted Root sweater of my own. I need to get my new knitting needles first. I'm thinking that Harmony needles would make knitting even more enjoyable.

* Hem my jeans. I've put off this task for an embarrassing amount of time.

* Begin my summer reading list. So far the list consists of: Bossypants, Little House on the Prairie, On Writing, Thirteen Stories by Eudora Welty, Pride and Prejudice, Heidi. I'm taking suggestions, too.

* Sew up some fun bits and baubles. I'm feeling inspired by Chez Sucre Chez's anticipatory cross stitch; Tuuni's doily and lace creations; Jane's delicate, colorful works; Aneela's patchwork; and Camille's cheery banners.  

* Shake up a jar of homemade butter. I remember doing this as a girl scout and loving it. The resulting butter seemed too precious to eat, so I tried a bit on a cracker and then saved the rest until it had to be thrown out. This time I'm going to eat it all.

* Host a knitting/tea party inspired by this one. I've had a number of friends express interest in learning to knit, and this would be a fun way to teach them all in one fell swoop.

* Pull some salt water taffy of my own. I'm don't even like taffy that much, but it looks so pretty that I want to try it out. I'd make mine pink and flavor it with vanilla. Or maybe bright yellow and lemon-flavored.

* Garden hop. I was talking yesterday with some friends about their gardening, and it made me long to grow some vegetables of my own. Since I've got no outdoor space to plant at my apartment, I thought I'd make a point of visiting the gardens of family and friends this summer. There was talk of a canning party, and I'd love to try that, too.

* Go thrifting. I'm in search of the perfect (and perfectly priced) vintage globe and a materials to make a picnic blanket of my own.

* * * * * 

Whew! I'm going to be busy! 

Have you got any plans or projects you're looking forward to?


  1. So much to comment on! Why is it I can think of so much to say to your blog, but the well has run dry for the papers that are due this week? I read Little House last summer to the girls & Steven--S loved it; girls got bored...and so did I, but it was interesting to learn through the book. I would love to attend a knitting/tea party--what a wonderful idea! I'm still hip on the canning party as well. Garden hopping, thrifting...where do I sign up? Actually, I'd like to know some of the good thrift stores in Louisville--where do you suggest I visit?

  2. So many projects! My graduation was many moons ago, but I still fill my summertime with plans and projects. Happy Easter weekend!

  3. What a great list.....My 13 year old has a wicked crush on Tina Fey. He just finished "Bossypants" in one day (and this is a child who hates to read). Enjoy that butter!

  4. Oh this sounds like so much fun! I haven't started making my list just yet. I have about 2 months to go until I get to summer break. I'll start planning more when it gets closer. Until then I'll daydream about long walks through the neighborhood with picnics and parks at the end of the line, plenty of time to sit out in the summer breeze reading, and starting the day off with coffee in my neighbor's yard or in mine with our kids tiring each other out at the beginning of the day!

    On another note, I just started Bossypants Friday evening and I am loving it! I woke my husband up when I couldn't control my laughter and that was less than 20 pages in! ;) That will be a fun summer read!

  5. Oh, this list looks like such fun! Good luck with it all--can't wait to see it unfold here!
    I'm looking forward to gardening this year. More so than other years. Glad to hear you'll be getting your hands in the soil too this year!


    Saw her photo on that post with the crocheted rock and thought of YOU.

    Mmmm...that chocolate sour cream roll looks divine. I love to make a pumpkin cream cheese roll...sometimes it cracks, glad to know I'm not the only one!!!

    Oh, those KnitPicks harmony rainbow knitting needles are so pretty. I have been wanting to place an order with KnitPicks, such good prices!!!

  7. Seeing as how I've been busy with things that are not creative or fun (for the most part), I'm hoping to get a few things accomplished over the upcoming summer break.

    I'm re-doing The Boy's room. It's a pit of despair and I'm purging him of most belongings. We are repainting. And I want to make him a quilt.

    I still would like to make a quilt for our bed. I just can't decide on what I want it to look like.

    I so wanted a real garden...but I fear that time is running short. I would settle for containers, but I'm an all or nothing girl.

    A tan. This WILL happen.

    Continue working out and start a yoga class.

    Grow out my hair.

    OK. I'm stopping now...because I'm realizing that all of this should be in my post of randomness that is soon to come. Consider this a preview. *wink*

  8. Great list! I'll be traveling to Yellowstone, gardening, reading my book per week, organizing for a tag sale, and hanging out with my kids. Congrats on winning the crochet-covered stone from Margie. You will certainly enjoy that!

  9. Hop on over to my garden, friend! I just finished weeding/composting yesterday and got a few tomato plants in the ground, but there's much gardening left to do. I think I'll be writing my first-ever blog post on it today...hooray! :)


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