
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Appreciating: Time Away

I'm taking a cue from my friend Fumiko and *appreciating* things that make me love life.

While I often post moments that I love, I want to think about how these moments connect. What threads run through my life that make me happy? 

I plan to continue this Appreciating series to reflect in the wake of the Japanese disaster. Feel free to join me by posting on your own blogs or leave a comment here!

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One thing I absolutely love is taking time away to escape the stresses of everyday life. Last weekend, Korey and I spent several days at a cabin near Natural Bridge and Red River Gorge.

We slept late, emerging from the loft bed only when the sun reached the high window and made us feel like bums for not being out to enjoy it. 

We breakfasted on granola, yogurt, and honey. Black coffee, too.

We realized too late that we do not own hiking gear. We didn't let that bother us. We hiked through mud and up steep trails to see amazing rock formations.

We acted goofy. We ate lots of pizza and drank Ale 8s and red wine.

We sat out on the deck each night after dinner knitting (me) and reading (K) to soak up the sun rays before they disappeared behind the mountains. We listened to bluegrass music on the radio and played cards and board games late into the night. I am a gin rummy fiend!

* * * * * 

Two, four, six, eight (sorry, couldn't help myself),
What do you appreciate?


  1. Sounds like a wonderful trip. The cabin looks like a fun place to stay and soak in mother nature. I especially love the part about sitting out on the deck with your yarn; sounds divine.

  2. hahaha, love the cheer.
    This sounds like just what you needed this time in the semester. Right now I am appreciating a supportive hubs - who doesnt seem too bothered when I flux between frantically trying to get all my work done RIGHT NOW!!! eeeee to the complete opposite obstinate procrastinator who doesnt even want to lift a finger

  3. Beautiful weekend! Right now I am appreciating good music, hot tea, and a little bit of quiet after another long day with the kiddos and my husband being gone.

    I just finished catching up on your posts. Thinking of you and your friends from Japan.

    Also, loving the magic of socks... just turned my first heel this week.

  4. Oh yes, that looks like a lovely spot to retreat to with your favourite person! My husband and I have never ever been on a trip alone since we had our first baby 5 1/2 yrs very deserved, methinks! I am appreciating so very much right now...including stumbling upon some very good spaces in this crazy web world (like here :) )
    xo Jules

  5. I'm so jealous of your ability to appreciate and have an actual spring break! Tomorrow is the return to work/school, and I feel like I never left! I'm looking forward to May, which will be my official Appreciation Month!

  6. That sounds like an absolutely perfect weekend. I've never heard of Ale 8 before -- must be a regional drink.

    What am I appreciating right now....My clean house! Oh, and the fact that other than one kid-commitment on Tuesday, the week is mine!


Comments welcomed!