
Monday, February 7, 2011

weekend snippets: i *heart* craft

it has been so long since i've done a weekend snippets post! i've fallen into the habit of trudging into each new work week and forgetting the weekend all too quickly. not anymore. i'm here to savor those weekend days so that the good, relaxing feelings continue into the week. 

this weekend i tried to convince myself that i enjoyed reading "mrs. dalloway." look how cozy it is with quilts and a cup of tea, i told myself. i was not convinced. instead i decided to watch "smokey and the bandit"  with k and make heart garlands. 

and look how productive i was as i watched burt reynolds and sally field drive from texarkana back to georgia with a load of bootleg coors! i made these three mini heart garlands as gifts.

then i saw how sweet the heart garland looks on my tea cabinet and realized that i've got to make one for myself. 

i wrote out this week's menu on the board in our kitchen. there's a restaurant nearby that posts its menu on a chalkboard outside. it always looks so good. i thought posting the weekly menu would help me remember what we're making and get me excited to cook.

i spent some time yesterday working on a sewing project that involves buckwheat hulls. i'll post photos when it's done.

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what moments would you like to savor from the weekend?

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  1. I love Mrs Dalloway beyond words, but it's definitely a commitment. I completely understand the desire to crochet some gorgeous hearts instead!

  2. I'm so in love with your hearts. I picked up some crocheting thread at a thrift store the other day -- in red -- so I really should try before everyone's making shamrocks for St. Patty's Day.

  3. developing friendships
    chocolate cupcakes with mocha frosting
    art from ancient China and Japan
    a clean house

    Thank you for this! I needed a reminder of what was lovely about this weekend and not just how busy it was and I am and it is Monday!

    I want to come over for Kale and eggs please! I'll bring the red wine!

  4. Those garlands are so pretty. My best moments this weekend were spent working in the garden for the first time this year - pruning vines, nothing too exciting, but getting ready for the growing season and spring felt so good!

  5. Your tea cabinet is insanely cute.

    Love the idea of posting the menu, restaurant style.

  6. I'm with Dani, I LOVE the idea of posting the week's menu restaurant-style. Lately I've been horrible about getting dinner made period. Maybe just having a "goal" in sight will help me get up the motivation after a long day. Thanks for the inspiration! :)
    I love the heart garland - where to you find a pattern for that?? I'd love to try crocheting something similar sometime.
    I'm looking forward to *this* weekend: a mini vacation with my fiancé :)

  7. hey, nachos sound good to me...thanks for tonight's supper idea! Sign me
    Also a Kentuckian!


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