
Friday, December 24, 2010

A winter walk

Imagine quiet. Cold cold quiet. It's broken with the rhythmic crunch of your footsteps over the icy yard. Stop and look at the small details. The frost on an oak leaf.

Ice sculptures on seeds.

A woodpile in the sun dripping with melted ice.

A cabin for gnomes built by your sister out of twigs, mud, and pine needles. 

Breathe in gulps of frozen air. Breathe out clouds of steam.

Welcome Winter.


  1. Oh, I love the gnome house! The kids built a fairy house this summer and I love it too.

  2. Those ice sculpture on seeds are magical. Winter is so pretty when it laces nature like that. Happy Holidays, Allison!

  3. I do love winter! And that little gnome house is just precious. Have a very Merry Christmas! I hope your gatherings are all memorable.

  4. I was thinking today about how I rarely take photos outside during winter. It isn't snowing here and instead is grey and soggy! Your photos remind me that there is beauty in all seasons in all weather!


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