
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Slouchy Hat

My sister asked for a slouchy hat for Christmas. She wanted one like Ashlee Simpson wears. That girl and Ashlee Simpson. She's always been a fan, even during the SNL lip-synching debacle. 

I found a pattern on Ravelry called Combination Summer Hat that looked like something my sister would wear. The original pattern calls for using cotton yarn, but we don't really wear hats during Kentucky summers. It's too hot and humid around here. So I switched the cotton for wool and figured it will keep my sister warm on sunny winter days. She could probably stretch the wear into summer and fall if she wants. 


Pattern: Combination Summer Hat (free download on Ravelry)
Yarn: Knitpicks Wool of the Andes in Coal
Hooks: K and H
Made for: Julie, Christmas 2010

* * * * *

And even though I already revealed this present a few weeks ago, I'm showing you the Lemon Drop Swirl Hat again. It took all the will power I have to pry it off my head and give it away this Christmas. I made it for my goddaughter Jill whose favorite color (like mine!) is yellow.

Thank you everyone who gave me advice on the flower. I ended up sewing a pin back on it so that Jill has the option of wearing the hat with or without it. I see more flower brooches in my future.

This photo shows the true color.

I realized this morning that I forgot to include washing instructions on the gifts I made this year. Yikes! I'm having visions of tiny felted crocheted hats. I better send out some "Handwash only" emails.

I hope the final days of 2010 are delightful for you.


  1. Hats, headbands - all glorious! Happy New Year to you.

  2. Your slouchy hat is wonderful....You have to make one for yourself. And I hope you got those e-mails out -- I would hate to think of all your hard work being ruined by a washer and dryer. Eeeeeks!

  3. Lovely hats! Wool is pretty great--unlike synthetic fibers it works with your body's temperature. So it's insulating and breathable.

    And I should have known your favorite color was yellow. You seem like a yellow person--oh wait, not like in a cowardly way... I mean sunshine-y and bright!

    Happy New Year! :)

  4. Such fun gifts! Looking at your projects makes me want to crochet. They are all so fun and pretty. I checked out a couple of books from the library and the projects were all blah or yucky, except for the really fun crocheted food book I found. Maybe in 2011...

    Good catching up here. Love the link you had to your trip to the Cities. Fun to see what you liked about life up here... now if you could only see the piles and piles of snow!

  5. What a smart idea to sew a pin on the flower! Love both hats. Happy New Year!!

  6. Oooooh. I LOVE the slouchy hat. Love it!

    Yes. Get those emails out there asap.

  7. Your hats are so cute! Not sure I could pick between the two. I hope you got the emails out to everyone so all of your hard work isn't ruined. :) You aren't the first to do that. Be there, done that. :)


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