
Friday, December 31, 2010

Lovely Christmas Days

Though we're quickly heading into a new year, I'm still savoring Christmastime. I do love the gift-giving and getting, but my absolute favorite part of Christmas is the time spent with my family and friends. There's such a rush of busyness--cooking, baking, making, wrapping--followed by a restful lull. Here's what I did with my lull time.

Ate Italian Cream Cake with lots of coconut and pecans. Mom and I make this every year for Christmas. When all of the party guests have left Mom's house, we each have a slice for a late night snack. 

Of course I crocheted during my downtime. It's what I do. 

The drive to K's hometown was beautiful. The roads were clear, but the surrounding fields were covered with a dusting of snow. The cows and horses looked so pretty silhouetted against the white, munching their Christmas hay breakfast.

I had a hickory nut-cracking party with Korey and my friend Kristie. Hammers pounded and shells flew. Now I've got a bag full of hickory nuts to use up. I'm thinking cookies or bread because it's not enough for a pie. Any other ideas?

Gin! K and I became a little addicted to gin rummy. 

We drove through downtown Maysville with K's parents to look at the Christmas lights. 

K played Christmas carols. He doesn't usually play piano anymore, so this was a special treat. Thanks, K!

* * * * * 

Happy New Year's Eve, everyone! I will see you back here next year.

In case you were wondering about my bobble-y pattern, I've extended my self-imposed deadline to January 10th. Wasn't that nice of me?


  1. What a delightful holiday, I hope the celebrations continue for you into the new year.

  2. A wonderful holiday!!!

    So glad it was special. Happy New Year!!!

  3. awwww....sounds like you have been having a wonderful Christmas time!

    Happy New Year to you Allison :)

  4. Great pics! Happy New Years Allison & Korey!

    HUGS to both!


  5. Looks like you had a very well rounded holiday and I wish you all the best in the New Year! Your crocheting is beautiful!

  6. Somehow it doesn't seem right that you guys had snow and we, here in upstate NY, didn't. Christmas was weird without it! It sounds like you had lots of fun merrymaking. And regarding your self-imposed deadline....deadline, shmedline, is what I say!

  7. I love the peek at your holiday celebrations. It sounds so wonderful! Happy New Year!


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