
Sunday, October 31, 2010

halloween past

me (1987?)

We're not doing too much for Halloween present--I've got a pile of reading to get done and a bowl of candy corn to get me through it--so I thought I'd share some photos of my sister and me growing up. My mom made most of our costumes. I remember being most excited about the sparkly green dress she made the year I was a movie star. Don't I look glamorous? 

Me and Julie (1989)

Dad, Julie, me (1990)

What is your favorite costume from your Halloween past? 

* * * 

Happy Halloween to you all!


  1. These pictures are so adorable! I loved being Tina Turner. And for something like five years in a row I was a witch. When I was about 23 I was Clementine from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I loved that costume as well. Happy Halloween!

  2. Too cute! I had a poodle skirt that my mom made me when I was in 5th grade. I loved it. Happy Halloween!

  3. are so cute in your little costumes :)

    Halloween isn't very big here in I have never dressed up for it, but I do remember a beautiful princess dress my mother made me when I was about 8 for a school frolic (costume dance) I felt so wonderful in it :D

  4. Adorable. The bee costume is wonderful, I'll see if I can replicate it for my daughter for Carnival.

  5. What Halloween cuteness!

    My favorite: Wonder Woman. I was 5 or 6. My mom even curled my hair and let me wear red lipstick.

  6. cute cute pictures
    i remember my mom always made our costumes and i begged and begged to get the store bought princess costume with the plastic mask. She gave in and i was a hot sweaty mess behind that mask. back to homemade....which were so much better anyway


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