
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

crocheted necklace and a guessing game

Yesterday I wore this necklace I won from Donna's Decembers via a Smile and Wave giveaway. It made me smile all day long. You can't see it in the photo (due to my short arms and lack of camera self-timer skills), but I was wearing a red and blue tie belt over my t-shirt dress and cardigan. It was a very patriotic/nautical kind of day. 

* * * * *

These are photos of K opening his crocheted gift. 

Can you tell he's a little baffled?

 His first guess: handwarmer? Nope.

 Neckwarmer? Not nearly big enough. 

 His final guess was upperarm warmer. While he could start a new trend, I don't really think it's very practical. 

I reminded him that he had forgotten the most important clue: 

It's not something you wear. 

So, what about you? Any guesses?

 I know I've got some crafty readers. I bet you guys can guess this in no time. 


  1. A french press warmer!! name is Amanda and I've been following your blog for a few weeks now -- felt like I needed to introduce myself =) Found you through iCrochet! I live in Nashville, though I grew up in Louisville and my entire family lives in Lou too (including my twin..hmmf). I love seeing your CSA goodies and crochet projects. I have CSA jealousy - mine here in Nashville isn't nearly as awesome as yours!

  2. a REALLY big coffee mug warmer. and wow I want a coffee mug the size of my upper arm!

  3. It's got to be a cozy for something -- a large coffee mug maybe? Do tell.

  4. French press warmer!? I have one of these in process from last winter, now you have inspired me to finish it!

  5. I agree with the above comments...but don't you drink tea? Or is he a coffee drinker? I say a tea or coffee cozy.

    Cute! I love it whatever it is!


Comments welcomed!