
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Autumn Nostalgia

Happy Autumn! I'm over-the-moon happy that it's officially fall. I decided to celebrate by sharing some of my favorite fall photos that I took when I lived in Japan. It seemed fitting to reminisce--autumn just makes me feel like curling up and telling stories over spiced wine or tea. 

Crochet and food offerings at this tiny shrine in Kajo Park, a city park that I biked through on my way to work. Not a bad commute! I always thought of this as the cat shrine because it looks like a feline perched there on a rock, but I don't really know what it's supposed to be. 

Daikons and persimmons hanging up to dry. This was the view out my bedroom window.

Yellow ginko leaf on my scarf. I took this photo on a cool autumn day at the park. K and I sat on a bench sipping from a thermos of hot tea and watched the ginko leaves stream down from their branches. 

A garage well-stocked with wood, daikons, and drying peppers. I was always peeking into this garage to see what they were drying, and I remember trying to sneak and take this photo. K and I referred to the owners of this garage as 'the catwalkers' because they were always out in the morning walking their cat on a leash. 

Oh goodness, it's me circa 2006. Don't I look so young? Anyway, this picture is part of my fall flashback because I was drinking umeshu, which is a deliciously sweet apricot liqueur. In the spring, unripe apricots are mixed with sugar and alcohol and left to ferment over the summer. By fall, it's ready to drink. You can see the preserved apricot in bottom of the glass if you look closely. Mmm...I'm going to have to find some umeshu soon.

* * * * * 

So, what's your favorite fall memory? Jumping in leaf piles? Sipping cider? Picking pumpkins? I'd love to hear!


  1. Ooh, I've always wanted to go to Japan and I'm intrigued with the stories behind these photos!

  2. My husband and I have taken to hiking our local parks on the weekend. Right now, as the weather is turning, it is so awesome to smell the difference in the air and see the changes in the foliage. If only it would stay this kind of Fall all season since I'm not a big fan of the late October kind of fall with rain and 40 degree weather.

  3. Thanks for sharing these photos. I love the tidy, clean-lined Japanese aesthetic. Sweet photo of you, too.


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