
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

South Bay Shawl

So yesterday I became a shawl person. Mind you, I've been crocheting this shawl for a week, but I didn't know if I'd like it. I just had the yarn and the hook and wanted to try something new. Luckily, I ended up loving it. 

I also love that a shawl is a socially acceptable way to wear a blanket in public. Having a hard day? Wear a shawl. You can snuggle up at your desk and pretend like you're back in bed. 

This shawl is cotton, so it will be perfect to wear sometime in the next few weeks when the heat index finally dips below 100. We're burning up here in Kentucky. Right now, though, I could keep this shawl in my bag to use when I'm out at a restaurant or movie since those places crank the a/c like they're trying to recreate the chill of the arctic. It's so hard to find a comfortable place in the summer here. It's always too hot or too cold. 

I also love the versatility of the shawl. Wear it in the front, back or on the side. Making this shawl, I kept commenting to anyone who would listen that I was not going to be wearing this shawl "like a grandma." I had definite ideas that I would not be mistaken for a little old lady in this. But you know what? I kind of like it just thrown over my shoulders. Those grandmas might be on to something. 

This shawl pattern had enough variety to keep me interested, but not so much that I couldn't memorize the stitches. After the first few rows I could easily work on this without glancing at the pattern, a good quality if you like to craft while doing something else, like watching things on Netflix (oh my, I've been completely sucked in). 

One of my favorite things about this shawl is that the materials were cheap cheap cheap. Last week I bought a big bag of cotton yarn at Goodwill for $3. This cream yarn was maybe a third of the bag, so I'm estimating the cost of the shawl at $1. Not bad. And I have enough lavender cotton yarn to make another shawl. I'm thinking this half-moon shaped one

For more details about my South Bay Shawl, click here

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I almost forgot I wanted to include some great crochet links:

Sarah London is giving away a free crochet pattern of your choice. All you have to do is leave a comment about your favorite American yarn HERE

iCrochet has some serious crochet eye candy. Leave your link there to show off your crochet projects.

The Royal Sisters blog has got a lovely new tutorial up. I can't wait to make some Star Hexagons of my own. 

If you know of any good crochet blogs, be sure to leave them in the comments. 


  1. Oh Allison....Another bit of crocheting-love going on here. What a find, that bag of yarn. Your shawl looks so pretty and no one ever would mistake you for a little, old lady. Not to worry. I'm putting the finishing touches on a blog entry about crocheting. I learned something new and I can't wait to share it with you. I'm just hoping the sun shines so I can get some decent pictures. Now, I'm heading off to the Royal Sisters. Great links. Thanks.

  2. haha. I cracked up when you said a shawl was a socially acceptable way of wearing a blanket! Now you just need to make one with a stiff cowl neck and you'll have a pillow too! This really is lovely though.

  3. It's very pretty. I too like your comment about shawls being a socially acceptable way to wear a blanket in public. :) I like that. I have to say that I think I prefer it over the shoulders grannie style. I look forward to seeing the next one!

  4. So pretty! For some reason it never dawned on me that shawls could be crocheted, too... *stupid moment*

  5. Really, really beautiful. I'm so glad I found your blog.

  6. Shawls are cool, yo. And yours is a beaut.

    I am so with you on places keeping it way too cold during the summer months. What's up with that?

    Great links. I'll go through my bookmarks and come back with some others...

  7. Oh I just love it draped over your shoulders - lovely!

  8. That is a great shawl. I like the idea of crocheting and wearing a shawl but am never sure how to. Thanks for the suggestions

  9. I loved the South Bay pattern - as did my MIL who I made it for! As you said, Interesting but not complicated. In fact it inspired me to try the 10shawls2010 challenge on Ravelry, and I'm now working on no 9!

  10. Hello Allison!

    Ive just found your lovely blog this morning, and I had to stop by and say how very beautiful I think your shawl is. Ive been contemplating making one myself for the coming winter here, and I think you might just have inspired me to give it a whirl!

    Lovely to find you, much love
    Julia x x x

  11. Oh, it's so delicately lady-like and pretty! I love it.

    And the package arrived. I love it all! I have a project for myself coming up soon that I can use those little crocheted goodnesses for! I'm so excited! (Can you tell by all the exclamation points!?) Thank you! :)


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