
Monday, August 30, 2010

csa day: catching up

[two weeks ago--that big thing in the middle is a melon that tasted like cantaloupe]

Well, happy Monday to you! How did the weekend slip away so fast? I spent mine visiting with family, taking walks, having movie nights, and reading reading reading for school. Before I knew it, it was over.  

It has dawned on me that my CSA-documenting has gotten a little lax, and we just can't have that, can we? So today I'm catching up on two weeks worth of CSA vegetables from Finger Picking Farms (last week and the week before).

We've been eating melons, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, and some very delicious okra. Hot red peppers hang on our wall, waiting to be dried and crumbled into spicy dishes.  We've also gotten some beautiful flowers--cockscomb and zinnias--as well as fresh basil. So, we've had plenty of fresh food around, though we've been struggling to find time to cook it.

What works for us during the school year is cooking only three times a week. We cook two big meals in advance, and each lasts two nights. So, on Sunday we cook a meal to eat on Monday and Tuesday. On Tuesday, we make dinner for Wednesday and Thursday.  Then we plan one fast meal to cook on Friday. This week we're planning soup (can't shake the fall fever), pasta, and homemade pizza. 

[our half of the vegetables from last week]

Menu Highlights from this week and last (i.e. I'm not including the night we ate popcorn and easy mac)

Creamy Corn Soup

Enchilada Stack with white beans, peppers, onions, and squash

Pasta with veggie crumbles, peppers, onions, and squash (noticing a theme?)

Homemade pizza with olives, tomatoes, onions, and peppers

* * * * * 

This time of year old routines get shaken up and new ones established. I hope you're finding your groove.


  1. I'm still searching for my groove.

    And I feel ya...the start of a new school year changes least for a while.

  2. I love your strategy....You must be an awesome student with all that planning. We're getting melons this week with our CSA. I can't wait!

    And as far as a groove goes, I'm slowly finding mine. Next week my other two head back to school -- and they're both running XC, so they won't be home until 5-ish. What will I do with all this extra time? Crochet, of course!

  3. Hi Allison, thanks for visiting my blog! It's nice to read about finding your groove back. My boys started school just today, and it's the first time I have what feels like a whole day to myself. Don't know if I can manage that! Of course there is a lot to do, but I know from experience that it will take a while before I will find my own rythm.
    Take care, Dorien


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