
Friday, July 23, 2010

csa day: summer rainbow and backyard eggs

There were lots of good things in the CSA box this week from Finger Pickin' Farms

Left to right--
Top Row: Squash and zucchini, flowers, yellow wax beans
Middle Row: Carrots, sweet peppers, chiles
Bottom row: Onions, tomatoes, cucumbers

We've also been eating these lovely eggs. K and I walked over to my cousin Ryan's house and were lucky enough to receive a dozen eggs from his backyard chickens. He's had them for a little over a year now and seems to really like them and the eggs they lay. He said the heat has slowed down their egg-laying, but that in cooler weather he has more eggs than he knows what to do with. Seems like I should visit him more often, huh? Especially since these eggs have the orangest yolks I've ever come across.

Things on the menu this week:

*Homemade pasta with squash, tomatoes, and walnuts
*Baked tofu, roasted potatoes, and yellow beans in cream sauce
*Japanese curry over mashed potatoes
*Quinoa pilaf with feta, mint, and squash
*Homemade peach ice cream
*Mint lassis
*Tassajara whole wheat bread

**What are you eating this week?**


  1. You have flowers! They are so pretty. And such bright peppers. We are still eating lots of greens here -- and a few zucchinis and carrots.

    I can't believe you're going to make bread in this heat. I don't even want to turn on my oven! Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Wow! Backyard chickens. What a way to get fresh eggs!

  3. the jolly bee- i know, i'm a bit crazy to be using the oven in this heat. we were out of bread though!

    julia- i love these eggs! too bad i can't convince k to have backyard chickens of our own some day.

  4. Look at that bounty! Wonderful!

    We are eating out a lot this week. I haven't posted a menu in ages because we have been out and about...grilling the old stand-by things or having another blessed soul do the cooking.

    It will all go back to normal in another few weeks. I think I'd rather keep the abnormal.

  5. I'll just come and eat at your house. I love that you post photos of your weekly CSA share.

  6. I want to thank you for this post, and including the link to Finger Lickin Eggs. I was able to find a zillion places here in San Diego, Ca of all places where I can get farm fresh food.

    I will be very busy hitting the farmers markets and looking forward to getting eggs just 15 minutes from me.


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