
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

csa day: summer colors are here

Finger Pickin' Farms CSA box contents for the week of June 8, 2010.

From left to right, top to bottom:
Row 1--4 heads of lettuce
Row 2--Carrots
Row 3: Mint, kohlrabi, strawberries, squash
Row 4: Swiss chard, summer squash

I'm going to try out blogging our dinner menu each week. You'll notice there aren't 7 nights of meals listed here because some nights we have leftovers. I also don't usually decide which day we're having each meal in advance--I decide each day based on my time, my mood, and the produce (i.e. what needs to be used first before it goes bad). 

Posting our menus is a way of sharing recipes and ideas with you, and is also a way for me to keep track of meals. See, we always make up a weekly menu before we make our grocery list, but there have been quite a few times when I've misplaced the menu and end up cobbling a meal together on the fly. I figure that I can't lose my blog, so keeping a menu here will help me out.

I've been reading Dani's weekly menus on her blog Little Fists for months now and she inspired me to blog about my dinner plans. I am always curious about what other people are eating, and I love getting new ideas. You'll want to check out her What's for Dinner? posts if you feel the same way.

The meal plan:

*Tofu and bok choy with garlic mirin sauce served over rice.
            I didn't get around to making this last week, so I made it last night. I used the leftover rice to make some simple onigiri to pack in lunches. K and I loved buying onigiri in Japan to snack on. They aren't readily available here in Kentucky, but it's easy to make our own. I learned to make them from this tutorial. Also, I recently listened to a fun podcast about onigiri, which made me want to start making them again.

*Black bean tacos with sauteed squash, salad, and rice

*Fried eggs with homemade bread, sauteed Swiss chard, and roasted carrots

*Dinner out for our anniversary

* * * * * 

What are you eating this week?


  1. It all sounds good. Our CSA doesn't start till later this month. :( Happy anniversary in advance!

  2. I really enjoy seeing your CSA and meal planning posts! This hardcore vegan just got her hands on some ethical milk and eggs. So I'm on the lookout for good ideas. I ate my first egg in four years last night--with onions, mushrooms and some asparagus from a friend's garden. It was good!
    And PS: Enjoy the summer squash for me! We don't have any yet. But we will have broccoli and kohlrabi soon!

  3. That bok choy with mirin will be a staple in our house. So very good.

    I'm so digging chard right now. I posted a recipe this past week using chard. It's really simple and you could cut the turkey sausage to make it vegetarian or lighter.

    So envious of that CSA fare. Yum. Happy early anniversary!!!

  4. Looks delicious! We've been sick this week, so we are eating comfort foods.

  5. The colours of the produce are just beautiful. And I bet they taste great too. Have a lovely week. Melinda xo

  6. Now I'm bursting with excitement -- it's our CSA day too! I appreciate Dani's menus. She's encouraged me to try many a new thing (starting with those kale chips). And now I'll have yours to follow as well.

    Have a happy anniversary!

  7. You are SOOOOOO fortunate to have this available to you! I'd love to watch you blog about your meals you prepare! Happy Anniversary! XO

  8. I've just joined a CSA and I'm so excited to receive our first share! Yours looks very inspirational and yummy!


Comments welcomed!