
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Button Necklace Giveaway Winner!

Before I announce the winner of the Button Necklace, I just want to thank everybody who entered. I love hearing where you would wear the necklace--you guys go to such great places!

The giveaway was a lot of fun for me. If you didn't win this time, stick around, because I'm planning on having more giveaways in the future.

The winner of the Morning Light Button Necklace is:

(Please click on the image if you want to see it bigger. I don't know why it's so small. I tried my hardest to make it larger, but my computer skills failed.)

#7 is Phyllis. Congratulations, Phyllis! You can be expecting to find this pretty necklace in your mailbox in a few days.

* * *

On a different note, there will be no CSA post this week because Finger Pickin' Farms was hit hard by the heavy rains last week. Lots of flooded fields and lost crops. I'm sending thoughts of good weather and good harvests their way.

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